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Everything posted by SpAgEtE

  1. Yeeeee i will win special prize :* have most votes on fb :*
  2. r0land what were ur opinion about my boss :[
  3. r0land what about my boss? i was 1st for special prize social network and now i have 1k likes not just me there are 3more guys who have 1k likes cuz one guy added us... u disquilify us or?
  4. Ahhh if u disquilify those with 1k then my boss lost its Zestris he was 1st before that likes
  5. but what about those 4 bosses with 1k likes they still in contest or?
  6. Oh so the boss with boss likes on ur facebook page gets prize 6666mcoins and love smiles?
  7. Peter, but those bosses arent smthing vathala,koreagunba and zestris were voted by all and they were best bosses,ppl of warspear voted for us :/ vathala 1st , koreagunba 2nd and zestris 3rd...
  8. im leaving game.... i should took ss when i was 3rd bb alll.....
  9. loooooooool this sucks all my work thrown down to well :/ i was third till some asshole made me 1k likes this unfair...
  10. I still have bug with news crash :/ my android samsung galaxy mini2 android version 2.3.6 every time when i enter game when i click play then next and boom game crashes then i enter again and works fine...
  11. r0land, im having a problem with dg lvl5 on snow and hallowen xD i did almost 100x times and still no drop my char lvl5 and 4 but still no drop...
  12. My boss have 1k likes wtf who did this? i spent so much time to create my boss...
  13. Damn i had 210likes i was 2nd in contest then i got 900likes stupid guy who did me this i spent so much time for drawing...
  14. WTFFFFFF ONE MORE GUY GOT 1K LIKES IN ONE DAY CMON GUYS WHY CHEATERS https://m.facebook.com/warspear/photos/a.853089728060018.1073741846.136652359703762/853192698049721/?type=1&source=56
  15. U did cheated 2nd boss 196likes 3rd 170likes how cum u have 1177? its obvious u cheated
  16. Did 20stam with my 4chars lvl5 dugeon on snow and still mo drops unlucky
  17. http://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php/topic/45724-zestris-the-lava-warrior/you should check it out
  18. Wow nice GMs i cant await to upgrade my char 6 :* HAPPY BIRTHDAY WS *hi* Check out my boss http://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php/topic/45724-zestris-the-lava-warrior/#entry841151
  19. Here you can vote for my boss tnx https://m.facebook.com/warspear/photos/a.853089728060018.1073741846.136652359703762/853128861389438/?type=1&source=43&refid=56&fbt_id=853128861389438&lul&ref_component=mbasic_photo_permalink_actionbar&_rdr#s_a97e714028f094aa1155033ba01618c1
  20. Hey, r0land one question about social networking voting, Can I make facebook page with name of my boss and my likes on page count as votes?
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