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Everything posted by Jaan

  1. Jaan


    Ranger has not the enough damage to outdamage anyone in Pve. Xbow is way too slow compared to dagger, nowadays even bd outdamage them. in pvp rangers arent as good as they used to be, they took too much dmg nerfs. Hunter got dmg reduction, dodge, control skills and AoE stun, poison which slows people, a dmg skill which gets a lot of damage with Talent. meanwhile Ranger only has, some aoe skill which was nerfed to death since last skill changes, a aoe trap, which only does 125% dmg at 4/4. Ranger has 0 defence, if you dont own the Orcinus and Octopus book, you might as well delete Ranger. Ranger has became a useless class and its kind of sad to see, since it used to be the most played elf class.
  2. Won't happen, too many bots already. Add this and the game will be full of bots farming mobs for EXP.
  3. Paladins key talent, "Sacred teaching" Allows Paladins to buff players without being in party. In the latest skill changes, Priests, Mages, Shamans and Charmers could only buff while being inside the Party, but Paladins Talent allows them to increase Players damage without being in same Party. is it supposed to work like this? If it is not supposed to work like this, I would rather not wasting my time getting knowledge on my Paladin just to buff myself at Raid fight, just for it to be changed later. Unbenanntes Video – Mit Clipchamp erstellt (24).mp4 I believe this is not supposed like this, since this would be very unfair at a elf vs mc dps fight. Could this be confirmed as "bug" or is it supposed to be like this? @Dr Strange @Nolan
  4. can you also mention how many mc chars got dmg reduction skills and how many elf have? you want endless dmg reduction and endless healing? you are delusional. now wake up, lol.
  5. 2 servers are spamming life scroll during war ( that is only possible cause both sides got the same amount of people.), that is Eu and us, I dont know about the sea server, on the rest servers, mcs are owning elf towns. its only a life scroll war cause you couldnt find a another way to win. Be like them, im sure its possible with your stacking aoes
  6. I know you love it, dont you?
  7. I mean.. take notes ^^. its easy, you lost war, you try to think about reasons of why you lost, you could only win war by abusing chiefs aoe on elf statue. If you win the war, you wouldnt be here. learn to accept defeat, move on and be better next time.
  8. does lock need to target anything? I dont think so
  9. locks exist bro. might as well tell the locks "spam circle on this position" like you do with chief aoe.
  10. so barb using max heart and jump skill + resist skill is fair? You should start using your brain and not keep sending weak classes to flag. If you cant abuse chiefs aoe to spawn kill elfs, its mages fault for losing war? Start using something else, at least Bigego had a brain and did something smart in the past.
  11. Did I miss something or why does Rangers Vengeful Skill, the bleeding does not stagger? it only staggers against mobs. Unbenanntes Video – Mit Clipchamp erstellt (10).mp4 Was it mentioned somewhere to be removed? because Chieftains bleeding does stagger and it was "fixed" in a update. Its the same effect as chief, shouldnt then all bleedings stagger?
  12. Moved on from seeker, to another class this quickly? Damn. Guess you wasn't so confident about seekers being overpowered.
  13. you die 1vs1, you dont die in mass fights. this game is not a one vs one game, people seem to forget that.
  14. What about Bladedancers Sonic Boom Bleed? Shouldnt they have the same?
  15. has been changed for mage, why wouldnt it be possible to change on chief?
  16. What, stop making me laugh. In-game stuff don't matter at this post. You can clearly see what this topic is about.
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