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Everything posted by Jaan

  1. next time, when you want us to do a guide with 500 word limit, please increase the Max total size. 64 mb is way too low.
  2. Tomb & Outpost Guide Reward. You can enter the tombs as much as you want, but you will receive a award only at the first 5 runs. Please remember that you only have 60 seconds time to take your award. Tombs: Bracelets and Rings of lvl 33 Book of Critical Might Outpost: Book of Battle Humility Bracelets and Rings of lvl 33 Other Awards: Relics Amplication Consumables Precious Bars Reputation/Currencies 60 Adventure Wisdom 60 Knowledge 25 Silver Dirhams Buyable Buffs Buffs can be bought at the Npc Named: Sage Al-Mu'alim. You should get the Following Buffs. Please remember that these Buffs can only be bought with Crimson Corundum. Tombs Please remember that Pve gear is needed here. Access to Tombs. Finding a Tomb. Inside The Tombs. Main Boss Completing the Tomb. A fully tomb run: Outpost Please remember that PvP gear is needed here. Access to Outpost. Starting a Outpost. Entering and Fighting the Outpost. Completing the Outpost. A fully outpost run: https://youtu.be/G6yZ7ws3-2I
  3. Life scroll should be banned as well. A barb can just revive every 90 secs and hit the flag freely for 8 10 whatever seconds due to last wish + passive. This was to counter with globes, now the flag will just melt. Barb is taking 0 damage during all that phase, which allows them to do over 20k dmg by just one life scroll. Change the skill or bann life scrolls during as well, cause this is unbalanced.
  4. so, can the % chance of hitting multiple targets be gone as well? since you only hit people near you now.
  5. Blessing of the Mountains: Reduces all incoming damage to the character by H% and increases his “Dodge” parameter by D% for T sec. indeed
  6. pve talent do you even know what pyro does..?
  7. Surely, out of words heh. Full pvp guild. Critical hits are working cause of some relic.
  8. magic chief is made for mass fights, not for arena. if you want to be good in arena, go for physical set. The Damage a magic chief does in gvg/mass fights is way too high and you want more of it, you clearly are a chief user right? you want more damage than this? this is just from one chieftain. Now imagine theres more than 30 of them with their stacked aoe and you are asking for more?
  9. If im not wrong the majority of toxic people comes from the guild that u leading. It wouldn't be a bad thing if it weren't for the fact that they don't even stay to help, they eventually return to that hole, or they just come to create small guilds and divide the coexistence between legion players Surely.. lol.
  10. cry me a river, like in every forum post I made
  11. we dont, wrong section my friend
  12. I agree. it used to work years ago when people didnt have every stat max, now its just not doable anymore.
  13. my suggestion, you dont have to like it. can be lower % too, at the end of the day, its not our decision, its the developers.
  14. the difference between hunters skills and ranger skills are huge, do I have Silence skill, fear or an aoe trap? not every class must have the same % at every skill. only cause hunter and ranger are similar, it doenst mean that they should also have the same % at skills.
  15. Rogue can have it, hunter already has one.
  16. I dont care either way, I left my suggestions as everyone is allowed to.
  17. Which stats? More crit and 10% dodge? 15% speed? The only useful thing in this is speed, I don't see a problem for having 15% more speed. Meanwhile other classes are able to 2 shot enemies.
  18. This Class is absurd and should be reworked as fast as possible. This class is already the most played class in mc side. My suggestion for this Class. Eagle's Eye: Applies the Eagle's Eye buff to a character for T sec. The buff deals magic damage to all enemies in the amount of M% of the character's magic power within a one-yard radius every 2.5 sec. Additionally deals the Bleeding debuff to the enemy for 8 sec. with a chance equal to the value of Critical Blow parameter. The enemy takes physical damage in the amount of P% of the character's physical power every 2 sec., you can apply multiple effects to a single enemy. The maximum number of player targets - Y, and maximum number of monster targets is X. Remove that this skill is able to stack, just one chief is able to give multiple bleedings is absurd, as well remove the stagger. No elf skill is able to stagger. Wolf's Alacrity: Applies the Wolf's Alacrity buff to a character for T sec. This buff increases the character's movement speed by S%. During the next successful auto-attack, the effect deals physical damage to the enemy in the amount of P% of the character's physical power and reduces the enemy's movement speed by R% for F sec. The effect is also removed from the character. Decrease the characters movement speed to 25% instead of 50%. Decrease the damage of this skill to 130% instead of 170%, the damage this class is able to do is way too much. Swooping Army: Creates an attacking zone in the specified area for T sec. The zone deals magic damage to all enemies in it in the amount of M% of the character's magic power every 1 sec. and reduces the Dodge parameter for all enemies by D%. The maximum number of player targets - Y, the number of monster targets - X. The most broken skill I have ever seen in this Game. Lower its damge to 45%, as well each Person it hits, the person receives 5% lower damage. the 3rd person receives 10% less damage and the 4th 15% less damage and so on. Lower its range to 3v3 or 4v4, the range it has now is way too much, it can hit people who are at the end of the world. Support of the Pack: Removes F debuffs from the character or ally, including control effect, also applies Fortitude buff on the target for T sec. Buff increases the Resistance parameter of the target by 100%. Additionally increases the effect duration by 1 sec for each debuff removed. Increase cd of this skill by 2 seconds, as well remove the "Additionally increases the effect duration by 1 sec. for each debuff removed." being able to perma have this skill should not be allowed. Rugged Hide: Applies the Rugged Hide buff to a character or group member for T sec. The effect reduces any incoming damage to the target by D% and by additional R% for every 3.5% of the target's missing health. Change this skill to a 30% damage reduction skill instead of the way it works now. this skill can not stay this way, you are not able to kill an chieftain in a mass fight anymore if hes fully buffed with every damage reduction in this world. In GvGs a chieftain is able to have over 100% cd, almost all of his skills are perma on. Shaman and Deathknight are able to give damage reduction to this class. Elf Does not have any stagger skill or any slowing skill who can stop the chieftain from moving. Something has to be done against this class, its way too broken. Thanks for reading, now let the drama start?
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