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Posts posted by Renascido

  1. Instintos das Montanhas 4/4


    Tipo: Ativo
    Gasto em energia: 22 unidades
    Recarga: 21.7 s

    Aumenta em 18% a velocidade de ataque
    do personagem do 30 s.
    Com o desenvolvimento da habilidade, o
    poder do efeito e a sua duração também

    Na Atualização 8.2 o Caçador deixou de ganhar 22% de velocidade de ataque com a skill "Instintos das Montanhas 4/4" e passou a ganhar apenas 18%.

    Na Atualização 8.4.2 o atraso base dos ataques para arcos e bestas foram modificados,
    a base do arco passou a ser a mesma base anterior da besta (3.3),
    e a base da besta (3.9) passou a ser mais lenta do que a lança (3.4) que era a arma com mais atraso até então.

    Gostaria de sugerir que adicionem uma mecânica bem atrativa à skill "Instintos da Montanha" do Caçador:

    A cada ataque sucessivo do Caçador,
    1% de velocidade de ataque adicional é aumentado ao Caçador pelo tempo que a skill Instintos das Montanhas durar, com no máximo até 5 stacks.
    Cada vez que errar um ataque, seja por "EVASÃO", "BLOQUEIO" ou "RESISTIR",
    esse efeito reseta dependendo do nível da habilidade.
    Caso o nível de habilidade esteja 1/4, quando você errar um ataque, perderá 5 stacks
    2/4 perderá 4 stacks
    3/4 perderá 3 stacks
    4/4 perderá 2 stacks




  2. I'm here to reach common sense, I don't want to copy any class, because there would be no sense in 2 factions, but there are very similar classes, as mentioned in the example between seeker and rogue, I don't see a total disadvantage between them, I see functions:

    -the seeker has very high damage skills, penetration, critical atack speed, auto attack and critical damage, despite consuming mana, the slot that the player uses to place a regen mana crystal, which would be used to place penetration makes no difference none, as he already has the ability to penetrate.

    -the rogue has defensive skills like Dodging, kicking and Absolute reflexes, which despite being good skills, we have to count on luck to dodge

    -as well as the rogue does not have this high damage, and it is not valid to quote invisibility, as it is only 1 hit, and you can no longer be invisible if you have more than 1 enemy attacking you, the seeker cannot dodge like one rogue, as he has no dodging skills.

    -the seeker's shield breaks easily, but gives him an absurd damage adding to the other skills, that he has to worry about activating only once and the rest is basically auto attack

    -the seeker did not have a stun, as well as the rogue, only similar skills Gouge and Net, similar not equal, because the Net can be played at 2 yards, thus creating a greater safety margin.

    -I don't see a disadvantage in relation to the values of expert skills, the value is the same for everyone, and in the same way that the seeker needs to buy some, the rogue also needs it, when I compare the two classes I place both as if they were Full, max level, same level of equipment etc ...

    -the only imbalance I see between these two classes is mobility, and as you mentioned, it is not a copy of the rogue, but it was inspired, just as the charmer is not a copy of the wizard, but the ability to see invisible has been added to that there was balance.

    -we don't want a copy but a balance, no mc class can get quickly from one point to another as a seeker, it has an exclusive ability just like the rogue had that was invisibility.

    -since the seeker was inspired by the rogue, why take the exclusivity of one to put in another? I do not cite other classes as an example, because there would be another disadvantage, invisibility, because gaining move speed is one thing, being invisible and gaining move speed is another, it is a mechanism that can change a whole war in a matter of seconds.

    -as all classes have their characteristics to create the builds, like a bd for example, it can tank, or cause a lot of damage, a barbarian can tank, or cause a lot of damage, but for that he needs to remove points of some ability so that the function is well done, in which case the same thing would work in the rogue, I for example would have to remove points from the stun if I had the option of move speed in invisibility, in my view I would be less effective in arenas or PvP to stay more effective in GvGs territory wars etc ... just like the seeker would also have to remove points from a skill, an example the shield that absorbs an amount of damage and increases its strength, thus losing dps, to gain mobility.


  3. Almost two years ago, when I started playing, tried to create the nickname that I usually use in all the games I played. However, it was being "saved" into a level 1 guard. I did submit many tickets to support asking for the nickname, but the response email was that  I had to wait and  stay tuned to the news on the website / forum of missing parts as news on this subject.


    Again, that was almost two years ago, and almost two years ago, I can't stand the slightest bit of evidence. Been checking out daily and no news yet...

    Can you solve either my case, which has been going on since then, for almost two years or do you intend to make a massive redefinition in the days to come?

    Thanks in advance!

  4. yo'

    Há quase dois anos atrás quando comecei a jogar, eu tentei criar o nick que geralmente uso em todos os jogos que eu jogo. Porém, o mesmo estava sendo "guardado" em um Guarda level 1. Enviei um ticket para o suporte questionando a possibilidade dele ser habilitado para uso e o e-mail de resposta dizia que esse processo de limpeza dos nicks de players inativos ainda não estava finalizado e que era pra eu ficar ligado nas notícias no site / fórum para não perder as novidades sobre esse assunto.


    Novamente, isso foi há quase dois anos atrás, e há quase dois anos atrás estou no aguardo para que no mínimo indícios desse assunto apareça algum dia, mas é frustrante, é bem frustrante nada ser comentado e muito menos cogitado, talvez até esquecido...

    Vocês podem resolver o meu caso que está diariamente no aguardo desde então há quase dois anos ou vocês pretendem fazer um reset massivo nesses dias que estão por vir?

    Agradeço desde já!

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