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By Nocturne Euro · Posted
Играть будем на сервере амбер, эльфы или перворожденные, за игру не шарю. можем по звонку. возраст 14+ -
I don't think dying naked is a problem.I agree with you on the other issue.We need at least 4 slots for sea, sand, pvp, pve items.If we say 1 to die, we need at least 5 slots. Will the test server not be open today?Is the test server thing completely over?
By Netrandoma · Posted
а чего твоего не добавили на блаж?странно как то,вроде по тематике подходит -
The copium is hitting hard
Yeah ..and parry/block are guaranteed to work 😂.. why need max those stats then if 1% is enough. Wanna start being rude? Okay dude Same applies to seekers why need 55% damage reduction or shields if they're not tanks? Or beastmasters, why they need an aoe heal/buff if they're not supports? I recommend closing the beak
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