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I'm not sure why this isn't a thing yet but why aren't books unbound able? from a marketing stand point SOOO many people want to reroll all the time so allowing us the ability to move our own books around would be better for the player base? personally I want to reroll but I feel trapped because I have books stuck on a class I don't really enjoy.. Maybe this is something that could be addressed? And I do understand that some opinions are the books would lose value, eh i disagree it would also allow players with long term loyalty to the game obtain books as well. especially considering theres many players looking for certain books but most of these books are on "dead" accounts. because able to offer gold to players for the unbind + the book would make more people feel comfortable rerolling. thinking about this if we were to put a price on unbinding books i think 7499mcoin per book is a fair price to pay considering. but hey opinions?
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