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trade chat profanity and language filter


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I had to register and make a profile to do this. It would be nice if we have a ban hammer on those people who abuse the trade chat. It's very unhealthy to the game. Hours of mind-numbing and senseless arguing is simply a major negative in this game. Whether you are part of the argument or not, trade chat affect everybody because read it, most of the time inadvertently And of course, spamming, cussing, arguing, and mostly massive profanity are just eye sores to the game. Can we just have a little bit of order and decency in the game?


Put a ban hammer on these foul mouthed people, spammers, and provocators.

First offense 15mins ban on trade chat. Just to give you a baseline. So on and so forth. Increments go higher as the offenses get more.

Filter out words too.  8) Thank you and looking forward to more progress.


This is for the betterment of the game. And maybe the players too.

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