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Where's my 1 reputation point?


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I would like to ask where my missing reputation point is, recently there was the spring Guild vs Guild and something very curious happened, as in previous years the time of the event was alwas at same time (1 hour and 30 minutes after reset) there was no problem, All people always earned the same 225 points or if they had the battle pass they earned a little more (almost always a correct number of 20% extra), the problem is that this year the GvG schedules are changing, which causes ppl can enter the event with the reputation buff that the world event gives us and since unfortunately this year they changed the percentage, going from the usual 20% to 15%, this caused an error when receiving the rewards.

What is the error?, you may ask, well here is the answer:


Those who killed 3 bosses received 1 point less reputation compared to those who killed only 1. For what reason? 


3 bosses each grant a total of 75 points, adding 15% gives a total of 86.25, which causes the game to grant you only 86 points in total, this multiplied by 3 gives us = 258 reputation points


1 boss of the enemy camp grants a total of 225, adding 15% gives us a total of 258.75 which causes the game to grant a total of 259 reputation points.


I know the difference is only 1 point and it seems silly to complain about this, but that point makes a difference for people trying to earn the legendary spring achievement.

I would like them to give the remaining point to the people who killed 3 bosses in GvG so that things remain even, it is unfair that for something that is out of reach of the players some have an advantage that they did not know they could have.





Edited by Gengarr
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