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A innovative boss fight


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I have a suggestion about for an innovative bossfight. My suggestion is the following:


The boss would be in a room which you come to through a portal/gate working like the astral gate. And in the room the following elements would be placed.


1. The boss


In the middle of the room there is a big stone-pillar called something like "The Cursed Stone". This pillar would be the boss. I recommend that it should have about 100k hp. The boss wouldn't deal damage the same way as a normal boss, instead it will only put "Curses". It works the same way as "chop" and would deal about 200-500 dark damage each third second.


2. The mobs


To make the fight interesting there are 6 places in the room where mob-spawners would be spawned. One mob-spawner would be randomly spawned on one of the 6 places each minute. (So there can maximum be 6 spawners at the same time). The spawners could be called "Crack through the dimensions". Each one of the cracks would have about 10k hp and it would spawn a mob each 15 second. The mob would be a ghost/demon and it would have 2k hp and deal about 200 physical damage. So you have to destroy the spawners and the mobs in the meanwhile as you are fighting the boss. When the boss dies the spawners would dissappear.


Hope you liked my suggestion. If you have any thoughts feel free to post them in the comment section.


Drawing over the room.

Green: The gate to the room

Red: The boss

Blue: Place where the spawner may spawn.



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