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  1. In the marshes of Norlant, notes were discovered about some ruins of an ancient house. These notes described a creature never before seen by anyone in that archipelago. The text was as follows: “Today I went to collect some loose snake scales when I came across what I thought was a person coming out of the dark water of the swamp, but it wasn't, his body was the same as mine, but his hands and feet were hairy, and on his chest and legs On his back flowed a kind of tunic made of what appeared to be seaweed and long, thin leaves, as if they had stuck to his body, molding itself like clothing. And his hairy face and small ears, I will never forget, his wide snout and very large nostrils, his entire body presented the most variable shades of brown. Its eyes seemed closed and, at that moment, a small bird flew over me towards the creature and landed on top of its head, as if it were its newest nest. Soon after I realized that now wherever the bird looked, the creature was heading in the right direction, still with its eyes closed, it was as if they had connected somehow, the little bird was now its eyes. I called the creature Capybara, the sleepy one, because it simply came out of the water, ate some grass from its tunic, and lay down in a snake's nest to sleep. Yes, she is harmless.
  2. Nick: siberya, servidor: BR - Turmalina Inspirado na cultura das regiões da Ásia. Obs: o traje permite que o cabelo fique a amostra, o da imagem é careca só para ser usado como referência
  3. Nick: pteashe servidor: Br-tourmaline Magnus com um capacete fechado de ferro com uma pelugem vermelho do topo da cabeça até atrás da nuca, com um peitoral de ferro e couros de animais e um crânio em cada ombro, nas pernas uma bota de couro e uma calça de tecido com uma placa de metal na frente, e nas mãos luvas de couro vermelho
  4. BlackReaperxX


    Hola a todos me gustaría saber si se puede obtener un traje sin comprar con Mc y si es posible quisiera saber como obtenerlos gracias...
  5. Um monstro submarino morre ao tentar chegar até nadir nas costas das ciszas ao se deparar os elementais de fogo.Agora ele renasceu com mais força e esta pronto para assombrar as costas das cinzas e apagar o fogo dos elementais.Com seu corpo coberto de algas marinhas e armaduras de mithril.
  6. Inglês: The worn one was found with the submerged half and the other exposed to the light of the sun, and that what makes it have those two halves. They say it was made with magic and an unidentified ore. Português: O desgastado foi encontrado com a metade submersa e a outra exposta a luz do sol, e isso que faz ele ter essas duas metades. Dizem que ele foi feito com magia e um minério não identificado. BR-Tourmaline ❤️ I know i will not win, but it was worth the effort to try 😄
  7. Deadpool é um personagem fictício que age em certos casos como anti-herói e, em poucas vezes, como vilão do Universo Marvel é conhecido pelo seu fator de cura e não ser parado por ninguém, além de suas piadas com vilões e colegas de equipe.
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