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  1. So as we know there is option to longtap to use skills easier, it works good, but, when I do click it too early, it doesn't activate the skill and I have to longtap it again, which takes time to realize behind my fat fingers, and, I don't see skills behind my fingers because I don't have x-ray vision yet, but, yeah. I would like if this can be either improved to doubletap so it's easier to spam on action, or, let the skill automatically release on longtap after the cd done, thanks bye
  2. I would like to point out a new method to earn XP in the game. The idea I had would be something similar to a tower however Instead of the player having a team of 5 players in the group he can only enter alone or with a minion. Inside this tower the player has to survive all the waves of monsters. With each wave the monsters get more and more powerful. For each monster killed, the player gains an amount of xp The amount of xp is added and shown only at the end of all waves in the tower or Until the player's death. 1* It is only possible to respawn once in the tower. 2* The tower can only be done once a week. 3* If the player is level 18 the monsters will be level 18 too. 4* To enter the tower the player has to pay an amount of gold. 5* If the player is level 18 then there will be 18 waves. 6* the tower is located in the 2nd astral labyrinth of kronus. Gaining XP will be easy It's really hard to get to the tower :) BY: google translate
  3. I think this can be a good idea for new expert skill for chieftain note: I will write expert skill like Khrone, so I giving copyright Chieftain's Call Type: Active The Chieftain calls a herd of wild animals (Bear, Wolf, Tiger, Lion), each animal gives a buff to chieftain and chieftain's party. Buff's Bear: The Bear Buff gives a skin to the character (Or to the character's party) that increases physical and magic defense Wolf: The Wolf Buff gives some percent of evasion to the character (Or to the character's party) Tiger: The Tiger Buff gives attack speed to the charater (Or to the character's party) Lion: The Lion Buff gives some percent of physical and magic attack to the charater (Or to the character's party) Note: If any of the wild animal was killed the buff will disappear The HP of the wild animal and the skill duration is increased by upgrading this skill 1/4: The duration of the skill is 10 seconds 2/4: The duration of the skill is 20 seconds 3/4: The duration of the skill is 30 seconds 4/4: The duration of the skill is 40 seconds I hope you liked my idea and that it is added to the game. I was 1 hour doing this topic... ATT: Zedeght US-EMERALD Hypnop US-EMERALD
  4. Greetings Warspear Commumity. As some of you probably agree, there are some things "missing" on our beloved game that could lead things to a lil bit more excitment/enjoyable way. NOTE: The following list is based in my opinion. 1. Character customization. It is true that when it gets to create a new char we can define some of its physical aspects such as gender, hair style and color but ot could be possible to add some extras such as marks, accessories or even eye colour. 2. Titles Some people dedicates their time completing the hardest achievements that WS provide us regarding PVE/PVP but wouldn't be better if we could win unique titles by completing them? Titles would be shown between our nickname and guild name. 3. Add gender change option. Can be usefull for some people. By item or menu option we could be able to change our character gender. 4. Sub-hotkey tab for consumables. I've seen lots of players complaining about the skill tab size, most of them android users due to screen resolution. It's true that we can't use all skills and we must get a build that suits us with the best skills but in my opinion, a sub-tab for consumables such as potions, scrolls, etc would save lots of space. If not a poping up sub-tab It could be used as a fixed side-tad. That's all for now. I got more suggestions but these are the ones I've been struggling for. I'd like to know your opinion about it! Thank you all. NOTE: I apolagize for any mistake in my topic. I'm not english so... Danwar
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