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  1. mudanças agradáveis no jogo: -mais espaços para mudar de set automático(pode ser liberado por coins/gold). -botão para retirada de todo o set( ultimamente creio que dos 3 espaços de set utilizados só usam 2 pois disponibilizam 1 para retirar o set e fazer o "telemorte" onde o player se sacrifica para chegar em um local mais rápido, no caso a estátua. -Disponibilizar a compra de bag compartilhada disponibilizar o acesso remoto ao deposito de guild e ao marquete/market(vendedor de itens usados) mesmo que com coins ou gold ou quest. - mudança na mecânica de quest de boss e lives se uma pt matar a missão será cumprida para todos os aliados(fora da pt e dentro da pt) e o drop só vai para a pt que realmente matou o boss ou diminuir o tempo de respaw do boss para 5min. obs: sobre a mecanica de done do boss isso ajudaria bastante pois evitaria conflitos ou uma pt mais fraca esperar +10min para boss renascer e evitaria de as pessoas recusarem char fracos na pt. - mudança nos slots de habilidades ter a opção de fixar os slots de habilidades na tela não sendo preciso selecionar para abrir os slots de habilidades ao invés disso simplesmente aparecer mais slot de habilidades na tela e com opção de botar teclas de atalho para cada habilidade assim cada jogador não precisa se adequar a um modo restrito(12345qwert) de usar suas habilidades.
  2. I think it would be an awesome addition if people could queue for a dungeon just like arena, then be automatically partied up with other people and once a party is complete they will automatically enter the dungeon they queued for. If random players are in queue for a dungeon there will always be 1 or 2 healers, a tank and damagers. If a someone leaves a group while in dungeon before it is completed, the party will be automatically queued and someone else will automatically join the party if they queued for that particular dungeon, parties can carry on the dungeon while waiting for another player to join and replace the person who left. For example, If a healer leaves then another healer that's in queue waiting for a party will automatically join and 1 stamina will be used for the newcomer. Same for tanks and damagers. I know this may limit people from travelling far to the dungeon entrances but it will make up for far better interaction between all players instead of elitists who only want pros. Parties can vote to kick someone if they aren't helping, and if 4/5 members decide to kick someone, that person will be removed from the party and automatically be removed from the dungeon for someone else to automatically join if they demanded (like arena) for that particular dungeon. Just a suggestion.
  3. Witajcie, wszystkim wam znana i lubiana Ladyniusia została perfidnie przyłapana na przeklinaniu zobaczcie sami: aha.. zabiłem aliena rangerem
  4. Hi everybody! at first a question: how can i insert a youtube Video so that there isnt just a link and a screen to klick on? I am back playing warspear, not as serious as before but im back and ill do more and BETTER videos! The new videos will have music and english commentary! In this thread ill post every of my videos, always when i upload a new one i post it here! My channel includes Warspear videos with english commentary and Fifa 15 videos with german commentary! Here ill just post the Warspear videos! Enjoy it and cya! My Facebook: 1. https://www.facebook.com/jay.rox.7564 2. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jayrox-Warspear/454343874699140?ref=hl Newest Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kBPBH4tvGY&list=UUFzh_rxLRIHkCZVdkMhrSJw
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