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  1. Hoje estava junto do dono da guilda que faço parte o Cascavel e outro membro nosso o Emyko fazendo Liga Sem Coerentes, após finalizarmos as Quests voltamos pra town 4 do mapa 2 no lado dos elfos e nos deparamos com a cena que está registrada no print, vários personagens com nomes diferentes, o mesmo cabelo e quase o mesmo nível andando como uma centopéia constatando o uso de bot, não tivemos tempo nem a agilidade de denunciar as contas, mas fica aí o print para os administradores tomarem as devidas ações contra esse indivíduo, os jogadores repudiam o uso de qualquer aplicativo de bot ou de hack e gostaríamos que está atitude seja punida, meu Nick é Magodero sou lv31.
  2. Hello administrators, it is to ask you a question is that I am very worried about accepting items from a player who for the world caht they say is haker so if it is to if I can receive ban for opening them accepted how could I do so that they do not ban me? the items? But they are some skin and I used them because he told me it was a gift and now they are really personal I am very worried about that and please tell me what I could do so that they do not ban me because according to what I find out, he buys the items and then refund the money and in the refund policy it says that they will give you a ban until the items are found, please, I need an answer about what could I do in that case to not receive the ban
  3. I just notice when i just online and saw a rouge put 5 mobs with 49k hp in norlant swamp, a place with mysterious chest, no mobs etc but suddenly pop up. I kill by him and forget to screenshot it but i have the info chat show i just login the game then kill by a lvl 31 Rogue name Tekxuo. So is there a new skill for rouge to put in mobs or just a hack?
  4. Uma conta minha foi hakeada um tempo atrás, e eu queria saber se tem como eu deletar essa conta pelo meu email ou desvincular pelo meu email, e usar esse email para criar outra conta.
  5. Hello everyone, my nick is Facundes would like to report something that happened yesterday while I played, a player whose nickname is Racuminx received five items ... these items followed a pattern being always the same, I believe that despite the luck of each one is impossible such thing to happen. I play on the EU-emerald server, but I'm BR so the screenshot that I'll post will be in Portuguese, I'll be posting this in the BR forum as well.
  7. Hey r0nald my other account has been hacked by someone.... Please help me....I know we had some issue in the past but now I'm grown up......he has my druid (Russelldrd) and my paladin (Tribili)....I don't even remember the login for that account..... The server is US....Thanks for the help mate....I know that you're a great mod and I was a jerk..... I have screenshots of the conversation with him.....tell me if you need them....thank you sir....
  8. Now tell me what the duck is this. A lvl 3 character keeps linking shit like this in EU world chat. Is WS getting hacked?
  9. Hi. In server BR- Tourmaline elfs now command. I know why this happens. Besides being the majority, several players are buying illegal gold in Elfics. This do him a chance to buy the best equipps and make it "full". Now the game is unbalanced. Several MC's are quitting the game. I want to stay, but please, do anything. Here i have printscreens proving what i say.
  10. Do not believe in this message when someone arrange for you!!!
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