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Everything posted by Hellbourne

  1. Good for you man that you were able to reach +3 without losing your gear
  2. Yeah a bad day for me indeed. I had to farm like crazy using a copper axe at level 10 just to get back on my feet again. Couldnt even dish out a decent damage in the arena. Haha!
  3. Hey how are you doin? Im from the Philippines and I was just wondering if you people might know anyone who sells gold, Miracle Coins through peso. Let me know thanks!
  4. Yeah man I shared the same fate just awhile ago. Lost my +1 broadaxe
  5. How are you doin? I just want to share the unfortunate issue that happened to me awhile ago. Now from what I know to amplify your weapon with more than +2 is risky so I keep it on that level but what happened to me awhile wasnt ago the case. When I tried to amplify my broadaxe weapon from +1 to +2, item was lost. Is there any way for me to get my item back? I mean Im completely useless without it and the funny part there is I just bought it recently. How the hell am I going to get back on my feet when I spent all my gold on that weapon? Any advice or suggestions on this matter? Thanks!
  6. I just want to address the issue that happened awhile ago. Now from what I know to amplify your weapon with more than +2 is risky so I keep it on that level but what happened to me awhile wasnt ago the case. When I tried to amplify my broadaxe weapon from +1 to +2, item was lost. Is there any way for me to get my item back? I mean Im completely useless without it and the funny part there is I just bought it recently. Hope you guys could address this matter. Thanks!
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