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About Xxemerson

  • Birthday 08/21/1994

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  1. I believe that this new skill, it have that to change for best. The effect time is very low and the coldoon is very high. Please developers, is need to release this skill with the effect time bester. Thanks.
  2. Please change the coldoon time of the blood protection skill on lvl 4/4, increase the seconds in the effect time (now it is 8 sec). It has some difficulties to use this new skill, the effect time in which we use it is very low, and the coldoon is very high.
  3. It is very annoying to be pressing the skill right, this effect time should decrease, even if you change the schematic of the skill. Easy to talk to anyone who has the character with a good recharge, but what are they starting now?
  4. The new dk (Blood Protection) specialist skill is not worth it, because the effect time is only 8 sec. And coldoon of 15 sec. (if I'm not mistaken), with the skill at level 4/4. One has to be activating direct and spending mana (I can not remember the amount), not to mention that for the short time of effect, the ability is infeasible. The only good thing is that it reduces by 50% all damage received at the 4/4 level. It would be good if it were readjusted to be used with constant energy consumption or to have the coldoon similar to the skill of Specialist Aura of Hate, even if it diminished a little the % of its effect. I would like to know that since it is in the testing phase, could it be fixed and improved? Because dk is at a disadvantage in this story.
  5. A nova habilidade de especialista do dk (Proteção de Sangue) não valeu apena, porque o tempo de efeito é apenas 8 seg. E coldoon de 15 seg. (se não me engano), estando a habilidade no nível 4/4. A pessoa tem que ficar ativando direto e gastando mana (não lembro a quantidade), sem falar que pelo pequeno tempo de efeito, a habilidade é inviável. A única coisa boa é que reduz em 50% todo dano recebido no nível 4/4. Seria bom que ela fosse reajustada para ser usada com consumo constante de energia ou ter o coldoon semelhante a habilidade de especialista Aura do Ódio, mesmo que diminuísse um pouco a % do seu efeito. Gostaria de saber que já que está na fase de testes, poderia ser corrigido e melhorado isto? Porque o dk sai em desvantagem nessa história.
  6. Quando será disponibilizado o link para download e funcionamento do servidor teste? Visto que no início desta semana que vem virá a atualização 7.7.
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