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MANLEY's Achievements

Hero from Nowhere III

Hero from Nowhere III (6/27)



  1. His name is actually MANLEY* (No problem I know its difficult to spell). "he wants to blindly buy ur gay"? Are you implying that i want to buy pvpranges gayness???? :) LOL even if i had enough money to cover the US debt i still wouldnt be able to buy all that gayness.(Theres just way no much) ........................................o and thanks for changing yout pic for me ::) , i know your going to say you didnt change it for for me but i know you did :good:
  2. How come "pvprage is a dumb blind faggot" is not a option? :(
  3. who is that chick with the red hair? and is she hott?, i cant tell :(
  4. I dont know if this has been done but if it hasnt then now it has............................ :good:
  5. i sadly understand that.......................... :drinks:
  6. lmao im sry but that was by far the nerdyest shit i have ever seen in my life......you really shoulnt have dis-respected that american classic.........NAS is crying and laughing in his mansion................................
  7. TOP PVP BATTLERS????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I think you forgot the only person to ever beat KAWARU six times in a row little buddy.......................................................u must be a dick riding noob that made your list of names u see in trade chat rather than the actual pvp cave.........................i think i may hunt you for this infraction
  8. I want to battle Kaworu, he is best BD....................... ::)
  9. lol that gives me absolutly no relivent information, please go over your responce and get back to me with a responce that makes sence and provides more useful information............nice smiley faces tho..... :good: ........................HIGH FIVE!
  10. Enough said indeed............... :mega_shok:
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