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  1. Jcbref's post in My account was banned for exchange was marked as the answer   
    Only support team can help you
    Send them a ticket
    [email protected]
  2. Jcbref's post in Will the clothes come back was marked as the answer   
    it wont, it was an exclusive battle pass skin
  3. Jcbref's post in Dualing was marked as the answer   
    You can use two accounts of 2 separate devices
    But you can have 2 accounts max so no, you cant have 5 accounts on 5 devices
  4. Jcbref's post in Young Wine was marked as the answer   
    You can get them from skull chedts which can drop from enemies that are equal to or higher than your level
    Alternatively you can check second hand dealer to see if anyone is selling those cups
  5. Jcbref's post in Shouting Buying Miracle Coin was marked as the answer   
    If you say that you buy x amount of mcoins as an item there is no problem
    But if you say that you buy x amount of mcoins for y amount of real life currency there is a problem
  6. Jcbref's post in Resistance was marked as the answer   
    "negative effects" so basically anything that has a red square around it in your status bar when applied
  7. Jcbref's post in Skill balance was marked as the answer   
    Devs also need time to gather enough reliable data to see how skills and classes work in all possible scenarios against all kinds of enemies
  8. Jcbref's post in Skill balance was marked as the answer   
    maybe the devs, who have access to data see that skills arent so unbalanced that it would require urgent fix to them
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