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Thalles Barcelos

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Everything posted by Thalles Barcelos

  1. Rogue is the worst class in Waspear actually, every update has something to nerf this class, take off critic of jump, and reflexe absolute it,s ridiculous now, and several others reduce of skill about rogue, It´s has 2 type of skill that make same effect. Aigrind why dont delete this class of game, because its a junk now. ty Soullfox
  2. The game has several errors, bug in tower, like occour with me, a error that made i lost the tournament, I waste miracle coins to be competitive, yesterday my party with all members of NewDarkVip, killed Raven (Corvo), and dont complete quest, I was leader of NewDarkVip and losted 5 members of my guild, Blocked in the game, all send message to Suport Game and them dont receive any answer after 9 days, A list of members that was blocked and dont has respect, for receive only a answer of the Aigrind's staff. The list of members blocked: Necromancy Istallun, Rogue Saca, Necromancy Jhonatax, Barabarian Srmonster, Shaman Grend, Warlock Sonsa. I want known the motive of my members dont possible play, i was leader of them, that i know theu dont made anything wrong, or now, be a good player and be top gp was wrong in the game. If forum dont has members to make their woks, it's time to arrange new members, in all categories. No one here has "gms protection". If someone is selling an account and you have a proof of it, just send the proof to the technical support with a little explanation what's happening there, should be enough P.S. account sharing got legalized some time ago Seriosly, Its new for me, dont know about this. Why number of blocked accoundo in last week. The game dying this way. Disappointed. No one here has "gms protection". If someone is selling an account and you have a proof of it, just send the proof to the technical support with a little explanation what's happening there, should be enough P.S. account sharing got legalized some time ago
  3. The names of the characters of party was: Soullfox rogue lvl 26 Hos rogue lvl 26 Kinacapao rogue lvl 26 Volldermort Shaman lvl 26 Dank Necromancy lvl 26 In a tournament disputed gp by gp, The respective of guild point losted, make trouble our victory. #1 Destiny = 311419 #2 NewDarkVip = 310827 We lost tournament, because 592 gp, and dont receive 3,450 gp in heroic termitary tower. With 3 player with 150% pot and 2 with 100% pot. This is so bad.
  4. The names of the characters of party was: Soullfox rogue lvl 26 Hos rogue lvl 26 Kinacapao rogue lvl 26 Volldermort Shaman lvl 26 Dank Necromancy lvl 26 In a tournament disputed gp by gp, The respective of guild point losted, make trouble our victory. #1 Destiny = 311419 #2 NewDarkVip = 310827 We lost tournament, because 592 gp, and dont receive 3,450 gp in heroic termitary tower. With 3 player with 150% pot and 2 with 100% pot. This is so bad.
  5. As 6:10 am na data de 27/06/16 horário brasileiro, terminamos uma tower cupinzeiro heroic, a guild point era 308k gp da guild Newdarkvip, saindo da tower, continuou os mesmo 308k gp, onde foi parar o gp. Game master se aconteceu um bug, olhe nas infromação do sistema. In 6:10 am in date of 06/27/16 brazillian time, finishing a heroic termite tower, the guild point was 308k gp of guild Newdarkvip, leaving tower, the guild point was the same 308k gp, where our guild point of the tower, Game master if was a bug, look for info log of system.
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