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Everything posted by Maharet
[2014.06.05] New guild tournament rewards!
Maharet replied to r0land's topic in News & Announcements
iyes, in the early stages Angrid work for people. not for today, and I see you same reasons. I have rights, I am part of ws. and this is for the average player, only means that has to be respected. your opinion is rich or those who only speak nonsense new in world chat, have no clue -
[2014.06.05] New guild tournament rewards!
Maharet replied to r0land's topic in News & Announcements
I think in this we are all guilty of something longer tolerate abuse of economic angrid people. .. but this time is a rape. I am a humble old player, which comes with effort struggling for 4 years. .. and receive this discrimination, exceeds the moral my friends. so.. angrid sold.?? well, I think angrid is nothing without us, and this disrespect deserves a lesson. of course, I putting in one star warspear app and explaining that angrid priceless. .. and propose a kick vote to people like hassn warspear that distorts everything, and to put a limit to the greed of angrid... and obviously, avoid any purchase of miracles... being that they stood outside add another lot revenue. .. people, this is a total disrespect one. .. creo que en esto todos somos algo culpables por seguir tolerando abusos economios de partede angrid.... pero esto ya es una violacion. soy un humilde old player, que viene luchando con esfuerzo por 4 years ya, y recivir esta diacriminacion, sobrepasa lo moral. fue angrid vendido??? pues angrid no es nada sin nosotros, la gente comun, y esta falta de respeto merece un escarmiento. desde ya.... empiezo poniendo 1 estrella a la app en play store, explicando que angrid tiene precio.. y propongo un vote kick a hassn ( si acaso eso existe ) y a gente como el que desvirtua todo warspear. ademas para poner un limite a la codicia de angrid... evitar cualquier compra de miracles. . siendo que nosotros todos juntos, sumamos otra gran cantida de ingresos.... gente, esto es una total falta de respeto, hagamosle saber.... pd: my gf wassy is agree. -
wrath of heaven... old guild :wacko:
Luego de sea.... hormiguero ;D
que pasa bati? ya en chat general no te dan mas bola que venis a fastidiar aca? :facepalm: :facepalm: tan , pero tan al pedo estas??... mira, aca, con nosotros... solo logras que terminemos sintiendo pena por vos. intente ser amistoso.. intente ser amable... ok. te ofreco algo mas... te afrezco ayuda psicologica. nada de bromas nni sarcasmos... en verdad te la ofrezco... solo manda pm a laques.
We are all the Argentinians that we cannot buy coins route sms. besides the fact that they removed the option of dineromail :diablo: :diablo: Can they explain if there is have a problem? :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
angel feuuuuuuu :good: :good:
gracias faku, pero todo el merito es de mauro.. lo mismo que el escudo :good: :good:
thkns ^_^ win again :) but still I have no idea of the criteria for choosing winners xD I liked a lot fiery dress .. not seen?
[2013.08.15] Costumes for winners in the next Guild Tournaments
Maharet replied to Kuzmitch's topic in News & Announcements
:wacko: ugly costume -
sakense :P
:good: suerte con el proyecto
cri... cri... cri... cri.....
[2013.07.02] Music test for the PC version of the game
Maharet replied to Kuzmitch's topic in News & Announcements
i like so much :good: :good: :good: -
:crazy: LOL
elfos en esmeralda... somo bastantes arg ahi 8)
juju :clapping:
bienvenido rubenichi :good:
juju :wacko:
:facepalm: muy gay facku .. y a las nenas les gusta ese tema por gay :/
:P [/size]