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Everything posted by WILK

  1. WILK

    new skill bug

    fine wew ty :) btw close topic send report :)
  2. buy new skill for 40k gold and use book now i have 1/4 one use skill now i cant use skill ,study ,hotkey help ? maybe send email support ? i play android use skill 5,5,2 and want new study 3
  3. WILK

    Old timer

    Hey i back game and search my Old friend v1.2-2.4 who play? give nick Mc and elf Player ty for help owner Old account only mc: Koszernyx, Viro, Sunnysmart, elf: diiadora, dobermannn, sonder, Revagne,
  4. WILK

    Country Chat

    yeah many Player Polish no understand quest or game :D See today new Player Say "pomocy =help" i help Him and ask yours Old he Say 23 and no understand game because bad English ;)
  5. WILK

    wilczek is back game

    :shok: lol rember avatar ok :facepalm: for you
  6. WILK

    wilczek is back game

    you play or only say forum ;)
  7. hi all my friend realy old ;) character: -Lives. delet (eu) give (lives) altay and he delet idk who take name lives -Wilczek. offline (eu) -Wilk. offline (sea world) -Women now necro. online (eu) -Arciu Ranger he speak only friend (eu)
  8. bro i rember old time you pla rogue
  9. Admin pleas delet this topic where dare me ... http://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php?topic=80887.0
  10. why cry .. first add topic where dare me nice.. next delet old topic i say report clos you delet :x I have many friends on the game and the voice I gave one they go to Support confirm the ip .. nobody mod never say : http://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php?topic=80887.0. use translate all.. public incites to offend me
  11. WILK

    nice mod

    all time flaszek attack me and you never change word him nice mod see you want dare.. . ''Wilku zamknij mordę i się nie zesraj = Wolf shut the duck up and do not be shit '' next '' jestes po prostu kretynem = you're just a moron '' i don't know why you mod inciting people to insult me :facepalm: :bad:
  12. WILK

    nice mod

    http://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php?topic=80887.0 :facepalm: nice mod add topic where dare me... Nice az3bu
  13. Now maybe go all delet screenshot video or yours post delet :x funny ... Old screen delet ... yea so remove all think of everything, and what you've done the same thing ... So remove the old screenshot are no longer .. Then you can see how the mod
  14. see old mod polish Santor i ask pm Santor ''i want my more screenshot game warspear '' , ''he say ok no problem'' Now new mod guwer or azebu delet my old topic screen facpelam .. .. Or i must send e-mail support Funny mod
  15. why one mod delet my old topic screen? :x better previous mod > santor ! Or sivers ... Nice kid mod
  16. thanks friend i never forgot all old friend ;)
  17. ok end game my char women(eu),wilk(vn serv) offline Eu serv - Wilczek,shop,lives now play altay And rember when dare wilczek,lives,shop NOT ME (No give account forum) Good luck old player and ''newbie''
  18. Emmmm you lift 30 kg? your muscles -15 ? O.o o.O
  19. ahaha my wilczek and lives too have old eq :D full set
  20. WILK


    i too offline game and idk when i back because big problem real life hospital etc... Cya all old player and newbi
  21. Day :yahoo: you live wwwweeewww
  22. All lost ticket becasue no search(new map) enemy...
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