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Posts posted by IceKiller

  1. sounds like warcraft pvp system. tbh thats what i like about ws the most. its a portable warcraft. now my suggestion. add mounts, or give some class (caster class of course) the ability to teleport! love the game but the walking back and forth is boring. yes ik its part of questing but the walking to help others even on starter maps make it so u dont wanna help others. yes it would make getting a party to an area alot faster but wouldnt kill the integrity of battle . always gonna be a large group trying to stop cl quests they will just have to guard cl boss instead of pathways that lead to bosses!


    You can teleport to any major city using a tp scroll :)

  2. I hope yall support me idk what i did... if my shaman is banned im quitting just invited to vortex was farming last night Hanging out with pummy and everyone and woke up clicked in was banned idk my Demono arena rewards all gone



    Most accounts that has been bought was banned.

  3. Yup, that's what I meant.

    Always loved the Dagger/Lothar's & Eul's plays. Me and my friends always do that, especially with Shadowfiend/Puck.



    Hmm Blink Dagger kind of died on Shadowfiend in Dota 2. Lothar's is still meta. Meh

  4. The Yasuo penta was a 2v5.

    18 min IE iirc. You don't let that happen man, you just don't.

    The moment I got IE on Vayne everyone died in 2 or 3 hits lol

    Even 1 is better. LoL is just more simple and easy, unlike DotA where a tank deletes you in a blink of an eye and people flash every 12 seconds. Don't forget the flying horses.



    Buy a blink dagger and you "flash" every 12 seconds as well ;D ;D


    I give you a post of 30 May 2013, which is more than a year ago:



    Brand new continent Ayvondil and increasing maximal character level to 30!

    In the whole world of Arinar hardly be able to find more mysterious place than Eternal Forest or Ayvondil — motherland of Firstborn, home which was gifted to them by Nuadu. At the same time with the releasing new territories, level cap will be increased to the stunning level 30! And that means that your character will be stronger! And new unique skills for every class, for sure.



    Capturing the castles

    We are adding massive PVP fights specially for guilds with the amazing reward – own castle! Castle possession will give an opportunity to upgrade your guild as well as take unique quests, boosts, rewards, events and many more.


    At least we got Ayvondil and well, level 22. But things are going too slow :cray:  There hasn't even been word about anything like new PVP for over a year...

  6. Itll come down to 1 person finding out 1 certain trinket is strong and then everyone will use it



    It depends... If you want more hp then you use one. If you want more mana you use one. Everyone will use their own one that fits them best.

  7. I just wanna play the game! I finally got in a great guild! Ik they r working on it! Hell im sure if it! And yes I can play probably on my PC but I only put Warcraft on my pc or it lags. Laptop for school tablet for warspear its an older one but its operating system is still 2.2.1 should still be good enough. But ik they r working hard to fix it . Not for me but because this is AI grinds meat and potatoes!  Im just upset I only been on a month and I was doing sooooo good!  Now by the time I finally get back in it will be like starting over ill be under lvl and geared! Ill see how it goes but may not.come back!


    I'm sure your PC won't lag because of a 40mb game... If it runs WarCraft it should run WarSpear :)

  8. Why don't we have an accessories/ trinkets in game? And no, not accessories like a medallions or rings, but something like an item that gives you more mana regen, or more hp. It should only have ONE stat.



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    Here are a few examples of an extra accessory: Gives user +[amount] HP, gives user +[amount] mana, does % return damage to enemy that attacks user, more hp regen, more mana regen, gives user more xp per quest. Accessories/Trinkets can also have rarity, just like any other item. But this kind of accessory should only have [1] stat to for a specific purpose.



    This is only a simple idea. Maybe people can help improve it?  :good:






  9. Does anyone perhaps know what is the percent that the Skill Forest Song has to be successful? It says in the skill description "With an element of chance", but what are the chance? And that is on level 1 skill. How much does the chances increase as you skill it? And on level 4 what is the chances then?



    If anyone knows please tell me. Thank you

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