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Everything posted by Lucstriker

  1. That is not what the skill description says. It says that it hits enemies with the "fateful connection" and as I tested it, there are actually several "hits" a single skill. I'll leave it to the developers to decide.
  2. It is a very unfair skill in my view. There is no limit on players and according to the video I made, it repeats several damages as it passes to other players. That's because my skill is 3/4 ... imagine 4/4? 100x players in the area taking continuous hits, and our "Priest" has a limit on the redemption of 8x players
  3. I play on the BR-Tourmaline server. Print in Portuguese, the necromancer stating that skills have no limits!
  4. As I have observed, these skills have no limit on affected players and they are passed on to enemies in the area. But what I want to warn you, is that the "infection" has a big chance of being with "bug" along with the "Fateful connection", because I have seen them in great battles with a power that they didn't have before and players receiving damage from " hit kill "I think she 4/4 is out of the ordinary, both skills and that's why I come to ask you to check it out!
  5. Eu fiz um tópico no fórum internacional, dando sugestão de reduzirem as skills bases... Como pode uma skill travar ilimitado uma pessoa? Você sai do stun e ele te atinge novamente. Isso é ser balanceado? Se houvesse um limite de player atingidos nas skills bases de todos os lados, não apenas de um, acho que seria mais "justo".
  6. You did not come with the intention of helping ... Although, I only suggested a fixed limit for "base skills and expert skills" not that it is the same as I mentioned in the topic.
  7. Exactly, that each "skill" has its fair limitation for both sides "Elf and MC". I think that developers should rework each skill and seek an ideal balance for both sides. But you are defending your side, and I did not mention any "nerf or buff".
  8. I believe that in PvE no skill has a limit ... From the beginning, I spoke of a "fair limit" ...
  9. the topic is just so that "there is a pattern" in all skills. (base skills and expert skills). I spoke at the beginning of the topic. But because they mentioned Warlock ... The idea of the topic is to place a fair limit for both sides.
  10. You are the one talking about class, I just said in general, for "elf and mc", to have a reasonable limit on all "all" skills. But since you're talking about the magician, the chief is a super magician and a super support too, so it must be "nerf" too, right?
  11. You didn't come here to give your opinion, but to argue. Read my topic again! I talked about having a limit for all "skills". Anyway, I won't waste my time with you.
  12. Warlock has no player limit in his "circle", "stun" everyone who passes by him
  13. Since when did I say that? Certainly when someone is so sure, she just proves the truth!
  14. Are you so sure "all skills" have limits, show me where you say they all have limits?
  15. In theory it is quite simple, but in practice it is not quite how it works ... I think developers should check all the skills and do a rework
  16. We know it's not quite like that, but let's leave it to our developers to fix it ...
  17. Hello, I come here not to ask for "nerf or buff" but adjustments and I will leave my opinion! Why don't they do the same thing they did with the priest's "redemption" but in all "news skills" a limit on players? Example: Base skills, player limit = 4x (whether in area or reduction or control) Expert skills: limit of 8x players per area or control or reduction ... I see that the crowd confrontations are very unfair and that will help both sides "elf and mc". Because I see that it doesn't take much class to make a fair counterpoint only 5x / 10x players can do the job! Anyway, I hope that they fix it soon and that the updates are fairer and take longer to analyze the suggestions before reworking!
  18. Hello Nolan, it was good to open this topic! I see some outdated things and one of them and the option to "trade" with characters. In addition to being a small exchange bar, very few things can fit. They could expand the "trade" bar further and appear the entire bag in a way to specify the whole bag and select what you want to exchange! A viable option, too, is the description of the more specific skills, they could create a system to better explain each skill and its function. I think new players would be more aware of their desired classes. One factor that is out of date is the question of resources or items for looting bosses and towers. Resources that the npc buy for 1 gold, but that could be sold for 200 gold. (catalysts, essences and substances). In general, all items should be corrected with NPC values, as it is increasingly demanding gold in amplifications and works. I don't know how much I can comment on here, but I would like to collaborate more.
  19. I don't disagree with anyone about the game. I see the legion asking for "nerf" but they don't want to invest in their characters. They want to compare class +10 with +5. Anyway, almost nobody sees the amplifications and books. I really hope that the developers correct and readjust the classes mentioned in all topics!
  20. Partiality is what I'm seeing ... Legion asked for nerf and they negated the game in the "play story" and "were heard", now sentries ask for corrections and are called "crazy people" .. like the kiss from the dk that was super normal seeing you?
  21. Do you think it is fair for a forum moderator to incite social networks to deny the game in the "play story" so that they can be heard? Knowing that everything is resolved here? Comic! I see several old players stop playing, because the game is repetitive and there is no fair term when it comes to readjusting classes and confrontation modes. Who loses with all this uproar is Warspear!
  22. I see you as a partial moderator to your "legion" faction. At the time of "nerf mage and wd", you were there evaluating 1 star in the "playstory" and encouraging everyone to do the same! Shame on others!
  23. Yes, the game is directed in teams and expeditions in towers. The moment this interferes with the thousands of players or harms a faction, it should be analyzed what the players are saying and study the possibilities of having disadvantages in the confrontations and how adjustments were made previously. On the BR-Tourmaline server, the Legião clan, they even protested against and evaluated the "warspear" in the play story with 1 star, to be noticed the disadvantages they had! that was unfair, in my view! Now I hope you see the sentinels' side and yes, always try to keep the game as balanced as possible!
  24. Nolan, but the game itself is based on GvG and Wars. Player vs. Player is another situation! The game is competitive and the skills and mechanics of the aforementioned ones need to be analyzed. Not only the shaman, but also the warlock, chief and hunter. They are well placed, but their skills are out of the ordinary, as no one had tested it yet, nor in "server test" were they adjusted or used in a faithful way that shows an ideal fit for such occasions!
  25. Hello dear players! I come here to suggest a system model similar to the one we have with items. I think they could implement the "Unbind" function in rare books, as it is a waste to have to replace a very valuable and difficult to get book. I understand that today, there are not many players with complete sets of rare books, but I think this idea would help a lot not to lose such books or even if you use them by mistake!🙏
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