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Posts posted by mercurial

  1. This is ridiculouse, STFU Alonso, Don't listen to that troll, I'm sure if they take out blessing you would want the same thing.

    This game is a shit game, Tanks with skills to reduce ur dmg, Stealth that last for like 5-8 seconds complete shit, Ranged people with x2 damage, Mages who deal full damage cause armours don't have moon def.  :facepalm:

    This is how stealth should really be, now all of you noobs GTFO and learn how skills really should be... 


  2. 2 kills then ppl didnt listen  :fool:


    well, you can't kill eyes with those rich stealers, and those noobs who think they can tank  :lol: Maybe we where at Blue eye while you where there  :lol:
  3. Jasson! Are u online? Maybe u do.... I have lot of thing's to say to u....take my dmm E-mail addr from Rapter* or Sunnysmart* and leave me a massage! Ill reply as soon as i found it...Ohhh and anyone who read this massage espicially Mercurial* plz say Hiii.... To all my beloved friend's..lov u too :P

    [bongmaster, Rapter,Sunnysmart,...etc and other guy's from elf :) ..]..

    Ill try to be online, like on next weak...or maybe a MoNtH.....cya guy's soon.......



    Sup Kev, Better play on new update, make Forsaken Char, right now game is boring, though there is no reason why not to say hi to friends and have fun ingame, try play soon and have fun with me, sulla, crossfit, marcin with cool rogues shit  ;D
  4. barb's roar on lvl 5 decrease 15% of enemy damage. sap is better than roar, i guess sap decrease more percentage damage.


    Sap is the thing that makes BDs OP, imagine you hitting a BD with 3.5k def + sap, 130 damage, then he hits you 300. what a joke. same with barb. but it's ok, this game is ducked anyway :wacko:
  5. MERGE EU, US and VN! Then you can add more mobs in laby and etc. we are not overpopulated, this is a russian mobile game, not many foreigners play this game, or atleast make different version of laby for other servers than russians, cause we only do laby with 10-15 people now you make it for 25-30 people :facepalm:  all we can do is dream about level 18 equips, please don't leave out other servers! we are supporting this game too!
  6. This has  been happening since like 2.0 or something, When I change characters it starts getting " Slow internet connection " warning 5 seconds after I enter the game then get disconnected again and again and again, then once it stops it happens to my other character, only letting me use 1 character, Please fix.

    On Rogue 1 min after entering:

    Опубликованное фото

    Now on Barb after 5 seconds this happens then DC non stop:

    Опубликованное фото

    My Rogue doesn't get disconnected when I change back to rogue but barb still does, anyone has same problem?

  7. u forgot ur name  ;D


    sulla on place 1? hm,now a times not i think,cause use fast internet for crossing 10 minutes and then suddenly kill the lv 12 noob and then run from lv 18 is not brave or strong.he should fight more and not run when he see strong player,then he would be one of the best again(just my oppinnion,no reason to discuss about,i will still think that)


    i would say:


    1. madmaxx

    2. yyneedd

    3. marcin

    4. sunnysmart

    5.crossfit (not many are intelligent enough to use advantage of dodge,but he do: dodgeking :clapping: )




    9. sulla

    10. mcmaster


    why your list have a BD??  :shok:  Many rogues are king of dodge, cause some rangers think they go full critv& pene they don't need HP Mana def dodge parry accu  :lol:  but dodge is weird, when 1 person dodges your attack all other attacks will be dodged at the exact same time, I think it doesn't depend on enemies attacks but random on player who will dodge  :wacko:  I remember before ranger and bds rape me then I see DODGE DODGE DODGE DODGE DODGE DODGE, 50000! 500000! 5012414! 153516635!
  8. Let's sort it out.

    You can play with 2 characters at the same time from different devices. Like from phone and PC. That's not multiboxing.

    When you are using software which allows you to start 2nd client on your PC - that's reason for ban. Same stuff with other software (bots etc).


    so this means many innocent players have been banned? Isn't it unfair? using 2 or more accounts at once to get advantage, I mean I can make a shaman and hunt freely like bosses are just free kill for me but isn't that unfair?
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