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Everything posted by Lunarflare

  1. Always last week is, 1st week would mean mcoiners would rush most via tasks then finish up rest. If ya wanna fast travel, ya work for it or p2w, ez
  2. That excatly is, many players self multi-played for advantage and even offered leveling services for real money.
  3. YT Premium, Spotify, Soundcloud exist. Also, all players that violated game by using clone app to multi-window two accounts deserved it. Cheers
  4. Druid, Angered Spring Imma turn myself, into diamond formation auto attack quad cannon
  5. Yeah, in Asstrology we do ship in 1pt, easy stuff
  6. I do not used wisdom enchants in ages, but whatever GM did, it will work in same fashion like spring horror snow talents for enchant level, to whatever u got, be it great or basic chant, +6 lvl worth
  7. Kinda necro-revive on post, but OP arrived in my guild few months ago, and 4 good mages do entire ship, with all others afk xd *Curtain*
  8. + 6 levels then +4 of your great charm, it is kinda lackluster but it allows to use one other gear piece without mana instead, so there is that
  9. I did, if you not got any respond as for now, you're not picked up, sadly
  10. So, talking about what you said here. 1 = MMORPG as game genre say, its multiplayer game, and bosses are somewhat MEANT to be party targets, also @worldchat + ask for help not biting. 2. About that yes, but we do have battlepass, when you do enough quests on free battlepass you get transformation skill, for 300% movement speed for period of time, so i say we kind of have what you ask for. 3 = Exp only from quests, and game works that way by almost 15 years so far. And gold wise, at time you will reach Ayvondil Towns 3/4, you get access to quests that when you do them, grant up to 400000 gold, monthly. So for someone that do not use real money, its a thing. Also adressing that, game have 4 MAJOR events game wise, Winter, Spring, Anniversary(summer) and Horror Halloween (Autumn) + abudance of smaller extra events during year, so your idea with that 5% things per day, barely got sense. With more time invested, you will see beauty of our game more, hehe 4 > At that, we do got Knowledge system, 2 extra skill points hidden with it, and late-game wise, some classes get absurdly over powered just from having abudance of skill points, so argument kinda sucks. Also at levels 10/20/30 you get 2 skill points, instead of one. Class wise, i am druid aswell, name Lunarflare, on US Sapphire. If you're there and you got any operating english, i can help you out!
  11. According to my calendar, and fact im on same TZ as GMs, they got 10 and half hour yet to pick people that are to be on closed tests. They do stated they will reply during 29.05, till 11PM CEST, on whoever was picked, on posts
  12. Im not remembering excat numbers, but its in 4K-5K miracles. Regardless of char lvl, gear and whatever else you owned
  13. So, Gold portal = no gold, no achievement If you got portal, blitz through monsters You will meet "puzzle" area, one of your pt members ( someone with heal mini) go tank immortal mob and kill adds At 1st room, tanker kill adds, 1 person use upper orb, tanker kill adds, other person use down orb, immortal mob die, proceed Second room, tanker rush to mob, 2 players move <<<< >>>> upper orbs at once, uses them,.and moves to down <<<< >>>> and waits to use them, mob dies, move 3th area Same deal, tanker rush, one use orb, mobs, other use orb, big mob die, and you get tped to boss. On boss, full damage. You can afford medic or tank in pt, but mage + 2 GOOD dmgers are adviced. Properly set, after some training you beat dg on 6-6:30 time. GL
  14. US - Sapphire, Nick of my char - Jerusalem. I been leveling it to lv6 for trading purpose and encountered this bug. I can replicate it for screenshots, as long as ill buy another xp150 potion for it, for new char.
  15. Bug only appear when you do power leveling of new char (with xp150 pot and guild buff) and any event must be present, for quest that gives big amount of xp at once (42xp or more using buffs mentioned up) If said character is close to LV4 like 3-4xp to it. - and do quest that give +42/more xp (In my case, Snow Dungeon yellow quest), will jump straight to lvl 5. And you will not recieve skill point for LV4, till you reach LV6. Technically with extensive use of permamence/xp potions i could reach at least LvL 11 without getting single skill point, with help of friends to power level me on maps and only doing quests that make sure i can surpass one level in one quest.
  16. I want to report Firstborn quest Escape from Captivity There is <ERROR> dialogue in quest NPC words
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