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Hero from Nowhere III

Hero from Nowhere III (6/27)



  1. Wow theres alot here. But i like the idea of a vanity pet. Maybe even a vanity pet being aquired through a quest. I dont like the idea of a pet interfering with real stats to my character ESPECIALLY pvp.
  2. I like all these ideas! :good:
  3. In snow boundaries they added a building called the tavern and if you were level 1-12 you could take a quest that sent you in there too kill x amount of the opposing factions players. They reward you with pvp resilience potions and arena points!
  4. Rollo

    Kick in the back?

    Lol you don't even know how to spell rogue. :clapping:
  5. No, its not. That's like saying Mcdonalds came up with the idea to open a burger restaurant, so nobody else is allowed too open one, and yet we have burger king, etc. I'm not sure if you're trying to troll this thread or are willfully being ignorant of what is being explained too you here. I edited my first post for a clearer understanding of what i am talking about. I'm assuming you didn't read it so here it is again - "In massively multiplayer online games, an instance is a special area, typically a dungeon, that generates a new copy of the location for each group, or for certain number of players, that enters the area.Instancing, the general term for the use of this technique, addresses several problems encountered by players in the shared spaces of virtual worlds. " Taken from wikipedia -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instance_dungeon
  6. Well, i like how they did the xmas event for the level 1-12 players, for rewards they earned arena points and pvp potions! As for actual objectives it could be anything from killing a number of opponents too doing ex amount of dmg too a player or healing a certain amount (while in the pvp area)
  7. I like it. Possibly dailies with pvp objectives, would be nice in addition too your idea. I also like the idea of challenging someone or dueling them, may i suggest we be allowed too challenge or duel players from our own faction as well?
  8. He's trying to explain to you what an instanced dungeon is. They use it in many online mmos that i could list, but wont if its against forum rules. Copying ideas is not illegal. Otherwise warespear wouldnt have quests... weapons.. levels... gear... etc. Anyhow. Player opinions are welcome lets not flame each other though.
  9. I should have posted this in suggestions instead. Feel free to move thread mods!
  10. This person understands what i mean. Lots of mmorpgs have instanced dungeons. There are lots of minor details that would have to be ironed out of course. This would strictly be a pve challange with loot or possibly reputation as the reward. I dont believe this would effect pvp either, people would still be doing open world bosses as well as questing into each others faction lands, not too mention arena. Anyhow, just food for thought! Thanks for the responses =)
  11. Rollo

    Mail System

    Yes, being able to send letters as well as items and gold would be wonderful.
  12. Hello all. I think instanced dungeons would make a great addition too the game. They could provide a new source of challenge for a single party of players, as well as loot that is worthwhile. For those of you that don't know, a typical dungeon consists of lots of semi easy mobs (trash mobs) and then at the very end of the dungeon there is a boss. Now you already have those, That's where instanced comes in. too often players try to kill world bosses for gear and cannot because they are already being farmed by other players. Instanced dungeons create your own world where you and only your party are allowed in. Any thoughts on this from other players are welcome, thanks for your time! =) Edited for Clarity- See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instance_dungeon For a better idea of what im saying.
  13. I see. Good guide, its given me a lot to think about. :good:
  14. Is Rock protection essential for pve healing? Or will i run out of mana too fast? If it just burns mana i think ill just level blind and quake.
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