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Isn’t that the point of monster mode? Plus I doubt every barb in server have 4 mm gears and can reach max speed to make it efficient. This is a whole different matter though. Besides monster mode only lasts 15s with a high cd too. What does testing this prove? You could do the same test with wd, pala, dk, bd, reaper, charmer, templar. Barbs have had Last Wish since it was created, granting 8s of immortality before dying. Nobody complained before, now with new contents there are also new limits to reach. How about you try to think of a way to counter it instead? This is not a 1vs1 game.
Месяца полтора назад ты пел обратное. Видимо твоё мнение всегда зависит от фракции на которой ты играешь🐖 Искатель спокойно жмёт её по кд и висит она больше, чем кд навыка в билдах двуруча.
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