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                NAME : the abominator

In ancient times there was a war that seemed endless , this ancient war between the clans of the mountain and the elves was destroying everything he had to his step, then the wizards and witches met to end this war, and desdieron create a powerful monster that had the power to end the battle.
the day gathered for the ritual everything seemed to go fine, but when they invoked the monster realized they could not control due to anger and power it had , seeing this wizards and witches who were decided to enclose the powerful monster to not cause destruction.
and still it remains locked in that place.....or so it was believed...
date :
lvl : 25
hp : 1,5m 
dmg : 700
drop : costume boss and items craft 
location : cave advenger !!!!
skills :
Hit the ground : the boss hits the floor leaving the stunned enemies - active -

Mutation: poisoning hit an enemy causing great harm - active -

Stench : the boss scares away an enemy - active -

Wrath when it reaches less than 15 % health the boss increases evasion and reduces enemy's critical hit
note : add or remove at ease




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