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Suggestions for the next rebalancing update


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Here are some suggestions for Paladins that won't significantly impact the overall game balance:

Repellent Strike:

Repellent strike currently requires an opponent to be inflicted with the "sun seal" debuff to heal the Paladin. This effekt can be resisted or cleansed, making it challenging to benefit from the heal in combat (Not to mention opponents dying or the Paladin getting stunned before the combo is executed). My proposal is to modify the healing condition to mirror DK's Sharp Shadow. For example: If the character is under the influence of the "Light Aura" skill, X% of their maximum health is also restored.

Harad‘s Banner:

Harad‘s Banner currently hits every 2 seconds, 6 times in total. My suggestion is to increase the frequency to dealing damage every 1 second but only for the first 6 seconds after placing the Banner. In the remaining 6 seconds, the banner only applies the debuff without dealing damage anymore. This adjustment maintains the overall damage output while allowing Paladins to deliver damage more swiftly, thereby increasing the likelihood of overcoming opponents because there will be less time available for them to heal.

Harad’s Call:

The current stun durations for Harad’s Call are 1s/1.5s/2s/3s. I propose adjusting this to 1.5s/2s/2.5s/3s. The idea behind this change is that with a 1/4 Harad's Call, a 1-second stun is insufficient to execute a 2nd stun before the opponent can use a skill and interrupt Paladins' engagement. A 1.5-second stun adequately addresses this issue.

Fetters of Justice:

The possibility of using the Relic of Reaction on this skill would be highly appreciated!

Thank you for taking the time to read these suggestions!

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