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attention for everyone, please read this..!!


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who is Mamuju paladin lvl 1 at eu emerald?

he is not me, someone create char and using nick "Mamuju" for scamming at elf, then Bestmc say he hacked by me.


everyone know i never Scamming or Hacking, i know so many elfs hate me because i always stay blocking road near lake to block elfs doing chainless,

but if u really HATE me, find me and kill me..

don't create any char using name like my name for scamming or hacking, because so many people's  at warspear know who is me.

and Bestmc want to send Screenshot of Mamuju paladin lvl 1 to GM. lol...


AANKMAMUJU shaman lvl 20 : its me

MAMUJU paladin lvl 1 : its not me.


just for info :

my name mean

AANK is my real name

MAMUJU is name of my town where i live at Indonesia.


if u find someone using name AANK or MAMUJU for scamming or hacking, he is not me.

and sorry for my bad English, i hope everyone read this.


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