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  1. ××× Voltei, e com novas idéias hoje focada no passe de batalha qual tem dado oque falar aos free players, então para auxiliar sugiro uma criação aqui no fórum de concursos para obter um passe gratuito aos que mais se empenharem. Como uma disputa para criação de traje para o evento ou algo similar que necessite somente da criatividade do jogador, pois mais de 2 mil moedas milagrosas é um pouco caro né, daí teria um Top 3 para a melhor criação assim sendo: 1° Lugar, passe de batalha e vigor do explorador (10 unid.) 2° Lugar, vigor do explorador (5 unid.) Mais (5 baús supresa). 3° Lugar, (3 baús supresa) e um (Emote encorajador). Com isso qualquer um poderia participar desenvolvendo o traje do evento que será colocado no jogo. Tipo o traje podia pôr no passe gratuito ou pago, para o criador ver seu traje campeão sendo utilizado pelos demais. Obs: ( O cartão do passe de batalha só pode ser usado durante o evento, após término ele expira e será convertido em 10 mil de ouro para o jogador). E também gostaria de acrescentar uma nova ideia também pois como já tem aumento do XP no passe, deviam colocar algo como aumento de ouro obtido em missões para ambos lados como o gratuito e pago. Abaixo tem uma imagem como podia ser o tal passe.
  2. ×××Com o avanço do jogo os equipamentos antigos ficaram um pouco ultrapassado, assim surgindo novos itens de lvl alto, tirando o foco dos feitos pelos nossos construtores de itens, então fiz um com base no lvl máximo de equipamento atual e no futuro nível qual os construtores terão em breve. A imagem foi feita em vários editores e pelo Android com isso talvez esteja com pequenos borrões espero que entendam ao menos a ideia ok 😉, como sempre estou aberto a críticas...Bjs pra quem me conhece 😘.
  3. Tipo, eu acharia legal mudar o visual do hit básico dos sonagens em eventos ... mas ae você poderia pensar: A, mas já fazemos isso com aquele morcego no lugar do visual básico do mago no hallow e etc. Mas eu faria o seg uinte: eu deixaria o visual do morcego para os personagens mágicos (como magos e etc.) E para ranger, eu colocaria um visual de uma estaca de madeira (tipo aquela que nos filmes de terror, se usa para matar vampiros) e no Natal eu colocaria um visual de uma estaca de gelo (tipo uma estalactite) E para personagens que atacam de perto (bd, sk, wd e pala, rog, dk cacique e etc.) eu acharia legal por tipo um vermel visual ho ao acertar um hit no mob ou boss e no Natal, um visual azul.
  4. Hello everyone, So.. I've been thinking about daily chests. I haven't opened one in 1057 days and the reason is obivious (they drop garbage). Every other game has a monthly/28 days reward system which gives u something every day and every 7th day you get something good, 14th something even better and last day of that you get something which can make you alot more powerful and I think thats something warspear should have also because otherwise they are useless. The best drop you can get is book of oblivion which i got once in my 10 years of playing and after that goes sign which is also rare/close to impossible to get like its worth 100mil and not 2k. So my suggesion is to make daily rewards like first week 1k per day and 7th day 5k, then 2nd week 2k daily last day 10k and so on. If you don't log one day you wouldn't be able to continue getting rewards until begining of the new month and it would be avaliable only for 1 char per account/device. It really doesn't even have to be gold it can be 1 personal sign/surprise chest and at events you could get event chest per day or something like that because anything is better than current chest. It just wastes space in bag.
  5. Hello everyone! I'm a player who doesn't like high lvl chars and i really enjoy doing arena at lower lvl, and the fact that there are no profitable things to earn gold except dungeons for lower lvls is killing me. Few years back at AA there were bosses like snorlar, demonologist etc.. and each of them dropped unique costume. Now there is hydra which drops weapons worth 5k and it takes so long to kill which doesn't make any sense.. So i've been thinking about how to improve position of lower lvls and it came to my mind that you could add a raid boss, something like in ayvondil which would be avaliable ONLY FOR LVL 20'S AND BELOW! We don't need high lvls to disturb us. It should drop unique costume and non class skill book and bars,craft resources etc. and its reset time would be 24h It shouldn't be easy to finish so my suggestion is to make it impossible to do without a very good party or more, like 500 boss damage with skills, and 6-8 mobs with 10k hp which respawn every 2 minutes or something like that so lower lvls could be active again and help eachother. Main goal is to keep high lvls out of there so it would be nice to create something like a portal or an area where you can only enter if you have a quest (which doesn't give experience ) and that quest wouldn't be avaliable for people of lvl 21 and higher. Its really sad that right now at spring event you added skill books to dungeons and only lvl 24+ highers can get it unless you do dungeons which aren't really made for lower lvls. In that case I think you should make solo dungeons with easy/hard/heroic mode and make them drop even in lower lvl dungeons but in heroic mode only or something like that. Except raid boss, you should also add something farmable but profitable like faceless and spawn, also not easy enough to solo kill it, because teamwork is always more fun. It should drop expert books and costume, bars,craft resources.. Dungeons are really boring and they always drop the same stuff so their price just drops more and more. Bosses became useless and not even worth killing. Also you might add something like gvg in nadir but also for lvls below 20, but instead of guild vs guild (because there are no good guilds full of lower lvls) you should make it party vs party, so first 10 parties who kill all the bosses get some chests which drop books or other stuff like weapons or craft gears ( for example lvl 17 would get lvl 17 chest and inside he can only get lvl 17 armors and weapons ) My main goal is to give lower lvls something worth farming, so adding any kind of boss which drops good items is fine, but i like the idea of raid boss and boss the most. Leave your comments, opinions and disagreements down below.
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