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Posts posted by JayThug

  1. They are famous because they are millionaires

    and venere lol you're famous because you're a

    disturbed and mc's hate you because you're

    noob and think you are the best (I like your

    photo're beautiful):good: i am ganker too so im famous xD


    You suck.


  2. Still here. Early 2010? Ish. Made alot of chars back then, got to irslenort, bought lvl 12 gear and ran out of money, broke all the gear > delete. Had one account that sort of made it, didnt change the login from random numbers to email. Rip. Now I play eu.

  3. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:  yea ,, i think mc just wanna priest gonna noob like before , they can standing no move  if not wanna die


    Im sorry, but priest was noob before? News to me. So what you're saying is, one skill took the class from "Bad" to "Good" which would in fact mean that that skill is indeed op, making your comment counterproductive. Piss off.

    Ps, try standing still as a melee in arena. Go ahead, Ill watch.

  4. Want some cheese to go with that whine?  ;D



    Anyway whiners aside.

    New skill is kind of a must against rogues now for blade dancers.  Without some extra defense BD won't stand a real chance against offensive builds.

    They're doing 200-300 damage with 3 sec cooldown on top of their other attacks (and still ♥♥♥♥♥ing about elf skills) , kind of BS and i'd also prefer an attack skill but i guess BDs are pushed back abnd back from offense into defense.


    Until now shield depended on Def and Res.

    Was about 10 points per rach def at level 1 30 points at level 3.

    Ofc high amped BDs got way too high shield absorb with that, and we all know BDs are the most amped class  :wacko:


    I am guessing that is what they are changing and if anyone got the new numbers crunched i'd appreciate seeing them.

    I am guessing that if it will go down to fixed numbers it may become next to useless again unless they are fairly high.


    if i can choose i prefer attack skill than this shield skill. Blade dancer is about offensive, we dance with our blade not to make it shield against us. but hey fate has been decided, what can i say just accept it already.


  5. I won 100k because i was ranked 1st in my guild and i amp my 19 lvl axe to +6 with 1 sign set... and bought elusive jump

    My second hand is a abyss zealots dagger +1 for now and my dmg is 362 and my defensive gear is a mix of 13/18 lvl items lol

    After testing my 2 new toys yesterday and killing 20 lvl high amp chars in 5 hits without receiving dmg i must say that rogue doesnt even needs a 7th skill gm can delete knife skill its not needed xD

    Poor elfs got hit 1000! with either jump or merciless, 300 normal or 500! if critical, gouge 3 lvl (attacked 500+ elfs nobody was fast to avoid it lol) then i just use dodge skill and wait the cooldown of merciless to end and strike merciless + jump and leave elf dead or very.low hp (even 3500 hp bds get left 1500 hp max) or i cross map and wait gouge cooldown to end and then hit merciless + normal and if somehow the elf is alive i just finish off with jump

    And elusive jump is just so OP traps are useless since i can stealth when i get caught in trap or use jump... not to say about mages i feel sorry for them they only got 1 stun but my jump reaches them :(

    And priests keep wasting banners on me i can go stealth under the effect of that spell and strike with jump :D


    I'd very much like to shit on you with my druid. See ya ingame.
  6. priest have to cry while guild lvl 6 can get energy regen so then priest skills will suck i dont know how much will be that energy regen but it will RUIN the most effective priest skill(mana burn)

    because of this, i complain of 2  mana burn skill for priest i wonder why DEVS dont mention this and dont make kind of stun for priest or kind of direct skill for damage(i mean not need target action)


    after u make new expert skill,then if many ppl say unbalance,U WILL FIX IT ?????  ok then fix rogue jump skill,almost deal 2k damage,and now, u give new attack skill to rogue again,then when all race got active skill,WHY MAGE GOT PASSIVE SKILL???? its balance ???



  7. This point really isnt worth arguing. Sorry bless, but I watched the vids, and youre just like most every other ranger xd. Click bless and faceroll your hotkeys. The class is strong but really, all it takes is a +10 crossbow and a lack of autism and youre set vs most people. You really wont convince me that necro's are useless, considering I have one and pvp with it. Xd.

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