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Everything posted by Dreakan

  1. These are just a few of the features that this game needs 1) Guild/Clan System, with chat 2) Banks (yes i know it would HAVE to cost mc) 3) Raid Chat system! So multiple groups can all talk 4) Reward for war, a honor point system, or perhaps you get some of their gold? or even just a title. like Dreakan The Elf Slayer 5) Some kind of crafting skills 6) The ability to dual someone on the same faction if its agreed on. maybe wagers on it. (who doesn't know someone they would love to shut up?) 7) Be able to see who in your party is on the same quests, or atleast be able to link quests to chat Im sure there are alot of other things that could make the game alittle better, but this is just what I would like to see. Did I miss anything?
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