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Everything posted by AmericanPsycho

  1. lmao against shams.............no wonder............... recycled hp
  2. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww grossss..............................she wants sex from you pvp, what u guna do?
  3. Hey Sapphire, im sorry.................................i dont know........................... dont have anything in common with you................and you reak of shit, do you know that? Do you know how much of a loser you are?
  4. Hey maleshaman, do you like Huey Lewis and the News?
  5. Whats up Zam, i would be more then glad to answer all your questions. This post was originally supposed to be about Sapp and Laffette only, and i was suppose to do this weeks ago.............i put it off and was just going to chill cuase i really dont give a duck...........then this little kid homo named izzy comes into cave and starts running his mouth on everybody like he owns the place......of corse lots of hs random banter eventually gets directed at me.....so i make this kid KIK a pic to me to see how badass he claims he is........he frequenty said such things as "i could beat your ass in real life" "you look fat and ugly and like bigfoot (which i clearing do as you can see), and on the particular day i make this "im way sexyer then manley"............now when first saw his pic i was appauled, i quckly began to feel sry for him becuase he resembles that of a sloth or a hedgehog to a great extent.............now when he said all this dumb shit about how pretty is was i HAD to show everybody just how true his statements where...............hence him beng the first..................then sapp.....then i almost didnt even put laffetee but i knew one day he would be running his mouth again so i got him too...................now one thing i would like you to know is that im not attacking these people becuase of their appearences, its soley for running thier mouths when they clearly shoulnt have been, and this was far more then one occasion for example Sapp recently said "your just mad becuase i woulnt get with you" and she said this many times when the real story is that after i forced her to add me to facebook i immeadly was digusted by what i say, which didnt really look lke the pics she sent to my cell, and tryed to distance my self from her in a friendly manner becuase i did make the mistake of actually being her friend for a short period of time....................as far a male is concerned i am complelty surpised he got himself involved...........i dont know f u know this but me and tyler made a sht load of mems of him in another topic "just look at this" general/sapprire, and i didnt clearly name who the skinny, nerdy, goulish, goblinish, zombieish, nerd kid was but all were of him.............you see hes particually interesting becuase i didnt add him to the "Cochroach" list, (although he clearly should have been added) and he still had the nerve to try and diss and the manner by which he did this by..............you see hes a person in life who most likely hasnt even ever kissed a girl, thats probably he reason why he has tryed to e date all the girls on this game ladyseth(failed) ladygi (failed and actually stalked and harassed people involved for weeks and i belive he still does today) and the funniest one Erii who broke up with him withen a day im guessing due to the fact she saw hs pics later that day........i have heard he has tryed with many more and i know he asked a 16 girl to send him nudes, which is funny becuase i have never once attempted to have a online relationship with even one female in game, girl or woman.............he also fits the profile of what a serial killer and school shooter looks like in america, he is the ideal kid bullys go after, weak and skinny (so much he resembles those in th world war 2 concentration camps or people who have cancer and AIDS) and ugly like popular serial killers Jeffermy Dahmer, Gary Ridgeway, and Adam Lanza..........this duckin guy(maleshaman) is a complete contradiction of his words, irony's greatest definition :)
  6. Ive had like 10 random other people ask me the same shit................................just sayin O:-)
  7. i know.............i look exactly like a gorilla :facepalm:
  8. yeah thats sapp, and no the second dude if laffette (dont make fun of him though, hes a real gangster) i will post i pic of me i took now, so u see who i am
  9. lol and this goes to the 2 people who made fake accounts to mem me...............................lol nice job...........but even nicer job of hiding who you are, i know your scared of me, of what i might do or say to you, i know ive probably made you cry irl, i know that i am better then you, smarter then you, and i also know one of you is sapp, and i would like to let you know good job getting my pics, i tryed to take your disgustng ass off my fb but honestly i didnt know what your name was.............................lol and grats on making fun of my name............holy shit does that show how ignorant and unqualifyed you are to disrespect me......................*spits on the pesants* :give_rose:
  10. Jesus Christ male, lmao, you say that im delusional about my appearance? lmao look at you, im not just dissing you cuase your built like stick man but you are abosolulty ugly as sin........how much pussy have i got lately? lol not alot but the dirty little skanks that i have got in my life are chicks who die laughing if you ever attempted to try to get with them, lmao how much pussy have you got lately.......scratch that have you ever got pussy? where i come from people who look like you die virgins, lol dont act like you pull hoes you fake ass "HARDCORE" faggot, im sure you have fun finger banging little ugly girls who are two drugged up to realize that they are beng molested by skelator wearing a Jeffery Dahmer holloween mask on (and im not talking about your faggot ass Jason mask you weird kid) you would marry the girls who have slobbered on thic cock.................................................my jokes dont suck its, lol dont you see this? everybody who you talk to is in your gay ass clan.........you all have the same opinion, lmfao do you know how many random ppl pm me and tell me "your the god of mems" "that shit was so duckin funny"...........random ppl, not my friends, you say everybody says this or everybody says that when "everybody if your faggot pussy clan............omg dude how do you justify acting like a badass to me? ... and yeah your music video was absolutly terrible, that noise was the gayest shit, its by far the worst type of electtonic music available.........even my enemys will agree on that, gauenteed. idk maby i will post some good electronc shit
  11. Well first of all i dont live with my mom, havent for like 5 years, im so glad that when u talk ur dumb shit about me its always "you live wth your mom" type dumb shit. You always mention your gf and i already told you what i think of her so mentioning you have a gf like you are a pimp or some shit is dumb and irrelivent, i dont have a gf, i would be embarrassed if that was my gf, i dont go after ugly chicks who like the chicks who sit at the bus stop in the ghetto by my neighboorhood, if i did i would get that sloppy gutter pussy all day, i have very high standards, and im sure your redneck parents are very ashamed of your "wanna be black" "wanna be a thug lifestyle", saw your pic of the deer you shot, lol i can tell u come from a redneck/country famliy who has to be embarrassed/ashamed of the kind of girls their son hangs out with and the stupid shit he puts on as clothing thinking it looks cool, gangsta, or even acceptable.................now as far as a job is concered i dont have have, i am in the final semester of college, i know college was not an option for you becuase it is a place when people who dont lack intelligence go (Me), so yeah thats what ive been doing the last 5 years, i did however work for U.P.S warehouse (the biggest and busyest HUB in Texas) for 2 years while i was in college working in the IRREG divison where all night stacking tires, doors, transmissions, big screen TVs (when they were heavy), boxes of ammuntion.....ect for 7 hrs straight with two 10 min breaks in brutal conditions, I was part of the Teamsters Union, go look them up and see what knd of shit they do............................basically what im trying to say is you couldnt do the shit i do, you are a pussy with a pussy retard job and you look like Mac Miller with a concussion..............have fun with your "i want to be a gangster so bad i will do anything and where anything to be like one" lifestyle....................as far as commenting on your reply to this im done, lol why you always say that "come to flint and say that shit me" shit? You know thats an illogical idea and i will admit i am fat in alot of my old pics and i am slighty overweight to this day, but your overweight to homie lol you really cant use those kinds of comments, its just ironic when you do..........
  12. this pic male? how am i fat? i dont get it.............we cant all have the bodies of skeletons like you :unknw:
  13. LMAO, i would rather jack off to a dead dog on the side of the road for the rest of my then have sex with your gf, you gayass redneck wanna be gangster. You are not a gangster at all, you are are a pussy who would get KO'ed quick if you ever made the mistake of fighting me. And your style is wack homeboy, lmfao a plastic red watch you won from 25 cents gumball machine and a hat that i see the arabs selling at the ghetto gas station by my house. YOU ARE PATHETIC.
  14. omg i misspelled "acts"................. :facepalm:
  15. Lol this chick has asked me at least six times......"is Eisha prettier than me? Be honest"
  16. so once again i have to comment on how hot that asian chick is.............................she has to be playing EU right?
  17. dude icewind is fne as duck.................................realest shit i ever wrote
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