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Posts posted by Vanhelsing

  1. Well, agree, this is really low with the bag space for new players. I remember Kuzmitch saying - this is not a shop, but a game, well, looks like the game politics changed now. Same thing with teleportation. Mioco said teleportation will be free to play feature. I really don't know what to believe anymore. Well done, you surprised us very well.  :facepalm: :bad:


    Anyway, my dodging still sucks, i dodge mob attacks very rare even if i have more dodge than parry (with skill activated), people still have different regeneration. Instead of caring to much about the miracle shop you should concentrate more on fixing some things that players point out to you constantly.


    The good thing you did is with the friends online/offline notification and quest preservation after server reset, but that's about it.

  2. Devs ain't forcing nobody to use pots, we farm Guards without pots, every boss except shadows , can be done with 5 people without pots.

    Lambert maybe needs 6.


      Exactly, but pots that heal that much should also be available in game, not only for real money, from daily quests for example, like before.


    But i agree about the drop rate. I'm hunting for a damn sword for ages and still don't have it, and I usually get useless stuff when I get something (which happens really rarely). Drops that players get should be those they can use. This whole drop system is based on luck and then someone kills a boss a few times and gets what i hunt for a eternity. I killed an army of bosses since my last drop. I already lost interest in playing this game anymore. :mega_shok: :bad:

  3. Nevertheless, with right gear, shaman/druid is still the slightly overpowered class. They are ranged, they got good damage and heal and there is no defense against their moon attacks. His defense is also pretty high for a shaman, not to mention the health. Quite a lot of advantages. Especially those 2-3 hits extra they get by being ranged makes them a hard enemy for close combat classes which i experienced on my own skin, not to mention that parry is also useless against ranged enemies ;D >:D


  4. When you do server maintenance, please announce it the day before, or at least a few hours in advance (5-6) on the forum, not 1-2 hours like you usually do. Also give in game warning earlier, not only 15 minutes before shutdown. Start also 5-6 hours  before maintenance and give warning every hour, then, when 30 minutes remain give warning each minute.

    Some quests take long and we need to know earlier about shutdown. Today some people didn't finish sanctuary of constellations because of that.


    shamans def are weak they can easily die


    Their defence should be weak, by they got good and fast heal which makes up for it.
  5. That's a nice move. There are no pots in shops or by doing daily quests that can match pots in miracle shops. So if you want the best, then pay. I'm just saying, imbalance in game dear devs. :nea:

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