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Ricardo Adrian DMauss

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  1. · Olkoth https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=657872351010617&set=a.501564683308052.1073741825.100003635747910&type=1 Some years ago, two brothers children of a general, destined for the war; Vannea, elder sister of Bilkot, she learned techniques of healing loading with the crosier of revelation, possesion more rare that a wise man gave, while Bilkot learned the use of the arc by his father. Regrettably, one day the clan of the Legion penetrated to the city of the Lookouts, destroying everything to its step and capturing the villagers. Vannea, before setting off, took the support staff of the revelation and looked for its younger brother, they went out running towards the Irselnort mountains. The generals of the sentinels had formed an alliance with the clan of the Legion, betraying their side, were corrupt who wanted absolute power of all territory of Arinar. They captured Vannea and the young man Bilkot, before the general was approaching, Vannea gave the cane of the wise person to Bilkot and said to him: - take it, take this it will be very useful to you.. run! And do not stop. While the young man was running, it stumbled, and when it looked behind, saw as they were executing cruelly its sister, got up and hid in a cave, where only its sadness crying could be listened... Its loss changed it completely, the support staff was releasing a dark escencia that was wrapping it, the hate that tapeworm it was transformed... either was not young woman Bilkot, now it turned into a bogey, adopting an inhuman, dark figure, without soul... Now, they make him call Olkoth, and I swear to exile of the life every human being in the ground. · Behavior on the map: Olkoth will be walking with a normal speed, will have a bow that is also their barite (similar to the image), it has a hood dark as the image and the face of a person in one hand. He can attack from a distance (5meter or more) with his bow, combined with an attack of barite. The arrow is surrounded by green or red color. Skills: 1- dark arrow: an arrow that touching your enemy infecting it as "infecction" skill of the necromancer. 2-circle of sorrow: a circle that surrounds the head similar to the skill of the deathknight "death call" but this one has red color. 3- whip muffler: a power similar to the skill "threads of Darkness", red color with purple whip, this can attract even 5 people turn towards the Flash head nonsense for 2 seconds. 4- tears of bitterness: this skill is equal to "panic" from necromancer. 5- grip opaque: ability similar to "entangling roots", everyone in the area will be caught by 3 seconds in a dark vines that infects the player by 4 strokes of poison. OLKOTH EN ESPAÑOL Hace algunos años, habian dos hermanos hijos de un general, destinados para la guerra; Vannea, hermana mayor de Bilkot, aprendio tecnicas de curacion cargando consigo el baculo de la revelacion, posecion mas rara que un sabio le otorgo, mientras que Bilkot aprendio el uso del arco por su padre. Lamentablemente, un dia el clan de la Legion se adentro a la ciudad de los Centinelas, arrazandolo todo y capturando a los aldeanos. Vannea, antes de partir, tomo el baston del sabio y busco a su hermano menor, ellos salieron corriendo hacia las montañas de Irselnort. Los generales de los Centinelas habian formado una alianza con el clan de la Legion, ambos traicionando a su bando, eran corruptos y querian poder absoluto de todo territorio de Arinar. Capturaron a Vannea y al joven Bilkot, antes de que se acercara el general, Vannea le dio el baston del sabio a Bilkot y le dijo: - Toma, llevate esto te sera muy util.. corre! Y no te detengas. Mientras el joven corría, tropeso, y sin querer miró atrás, vio como ejecutaban sin piedad a su hermana, se levanto y se escondio en una cueva, donde solo se podian escuchar sus llantos de tristeza... Su perdida lo cambio por completo, el báculo soltaba una escencia oscura que lo envolvia, el odio que tenia lo estaba transformado... el ya no era el joven Bilkot, el ahora se convirtio en un espectro, adoptando una figura inhumana, oscura, sin alma... Ahora, le hacen llamar Olkoth, y juro vengarce de todo ser humano en la tierra. Comportamiento en el mapa: Olkoth estara caminando con una velocidad normal, tendra un arco que tambien es su barita (parecido al de la imagen), tiene una capucha oscura como la imagen y el rostro de una persona en una mano. El puede atacar de lejos (5metros o mas) con su arco combinado con un ataque de la barita. La flecha se ve rodeada de color verde o rojo. Habilidades: 1.- Flecha oscura: una flecha que al tocar a su enemigo lo infecta como el skill "infecction" del necromancer. 2.- Circulo de la tristeza: un circulo que rodea al jefe parecido al skill del deathknight "death call" pero este tiene color rojo . 3.- Latigo silenciador: un poder parecido al skill "threads of Darkness", latigo color rojo con morado, este puede atraer hasta a 5 personas a su vez hacia el jefe dejandolos sin sentido por 2 segundos. 4.- Llanto de amargura: esta habilidad es igual a "panic" de necromancer. 5.- Agarre opaco: habilidad parecida a "entangling roots" , todos en el area seran atrapados por 3 segundos por una lianas oscuras que infectan al jugador por 4 golpes de veneno.
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