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Posts posted by ycheung

  1. Can you pls make the rangers skills to work 100%...evasion at 5 still not working. If you will make evasion to work 80%, at least, rangers can start to farm. Rangers are the only classes that cant farm. And how come rangers stkills dont work at low lvls? Or, you can change evasion to onother skill..like arows enchant...with sun mag. I dont like when i use evasion and get only critical hits from mobs..and i miss, i have doge 15% and acc 15%...still dont get no doge



    u serious? 15% dodge is nothing and rangers are probably the best laby tankers on elf side :facepalm:

  2. Great wanted to know the duration at the level did you put points in sleep ?



    Not yet but im gonna lvl it to 3 to see its effectiveness.



    my final skill build will be. 3 poison spittle. 3 nightmare 5 bone shield 5 heal thingy. ::)

  3. Bone shield increase its durabilty and time with each lvl.



    but u probably wont notice at higher lvl bosses because they destroy the shield real quick.



    mines lvl4 and it can take 3-4 hits from sea monster before being destroyed. and using it out of combat the duration lasts till the skill recharges.



    at lvl4 it lasts exactly 12secs. and has 301 hp

  4. Or make items in market be able to be bought with something other than gold.



    i dont think many average ppl in Emerald carries more than 20k in their bags..



    make it so that u can buy with signs or mcoins or something.

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