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Everything posted by Gethigh

  1. i was thinking of spending some money on mcshop, but after this update definitively not. Im sad with GMs, we demand explanation, we can understand mistakes, but its an ugly thing that a lot of players are complaining and nobody explains nothing, so if people dont know people cant understand. Why an update with big problems, little fixes and a lot of expensive mcshop items? ah, and “new“ skills... (new rogue skill is h4x0r 1337 over 9000) u guys think we are fool or something? its normal that players dont trust in gms after this strange update without explanation. listen the community, answer them, and everybody is happy. dont ruin this game pls. thx for readingn the community, answer them, and everybody is happy. dont ruin this game pls. thx for reading
  2. pls guys read carefully, we know that max lv is 5 but thats not the problem, the problem is that skills doesnt lvl up. Im lv12 BD and my skills still at lv 1. Why? marcin says that the lvl of the skill goes up with player lvl? if u could explain better we would thank you :D sorry for my english!!
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