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Posts posted by #zakuty

  1. honeslty, a paladin who doesnt go for full magic with these new skills deserves to be a punch bag.

    heal goes sky high, with 0 amp on the weapon you can do 2k damage in a 7x7 area.

    make a paladin party, wait for the right moment, fetter the shit out of people, use the banner and watch the enemies fall one by one. as simple as that.


    only way to fail is if people spam the banner like newbies.


    wait wait wait

    back in the time to patch when all clases get first expert skills. Rogue got elusive jump, paladins illumination, druids forest song ...

    and look at this situation

    arena 5x5 - 5 pal vs 5 rogue

    arena start bopm boom paladins see blue sparks and arena become 3v5

    2nd situation

    patch 3.0

    5 locks vs other elves

    5 circles arrows fears and all elves die coz of extreme cc they didnt done nothing and they lose


    you mc are greedy... Do think u ll own arenas all the time?


    banner isn't op its just balance of game

  2. lvl 4 is max  ;)



    my skill build,



    Purifying  5

    Fetter  3

    Aura  1

    Persuasion  1

    Heal  5

    Banner  4

    illuminate  1

    sun seal  1


    i think better to take skill points from heal and max aura


  3. How would it work give it nasty hp lost and mana loss and ppl wouldnt like that beause they will want to use it in arena and say how the hp an mana loss is so stupid  would use ppl will go in a arenas and revive eachother cmon and this would be more understandable if he summoned a like a demon or etc and besides this sounds like a priests move more than a necro..... and if they did use this idea it would be a banner all over again


    this skill won't work work that u can resurrect dead ally but necro put sign on ally or himself and when he die with this sign he ll revive with % of max hp and mana. % of hp and mana ll rise with leveling this skill and duration of sign.

    Indication token from zilean ult in lol xD

  4. Mirror image: mage can use use one skill twice (not experts), double fireball, double teleport, double stones


    u mean last used skill ll be used again? that ll be nice


    my idea is skill which reset all cd of other skills. this sound op but maybe not reset 100% of cd skill but some less % maybe 50%

  5. elusive jump is a very useful skill and deals high dmg, plus it can be use even trap by ranger, i've seen high amp rogue hit armandor 690+ and merciless 800+ from what i see the merciless strike should be 895-900 dmg, it seems that his elusive jump lvl 4/4 and m.strike 4/5, nowadays many rogues chnge skill like that


    elusive jump is very op and deals too high dmg, plus it can be use even trap by ranger, i have seen high amp rogues hit 2k+


    this is correct opinion about this skill :!



    7. I think of something like this:


    Ground Strike: You hit the ground with your weapon, causing a small earthquake that hit's all enemies in a 3x5 area in front of you. The spikes silences and disables their ability to walk for a short duration. There is also a small chance that the spikes knock em back 1 yard.


    That would be cool, and useful. And pretty balanced too.


    bro in your skill suggest u forget to add this skill ll have 100% chance, deal 2k dmg stun for 5 sec , cause fear effect and barb can't be targeted for some time after use this skI'll  and have chance to insta kill and opponent (deadly hit)



  7. ok all mcs u think baner is op but u don't see rogue dmg is too high? very average rogue can kill any healer in 2-3 hits! and what if u have 2 or 3 rogues on arena? u can see only 2 or 3 blue sparks and u are dead.... this isn't op? all mc think NO wtf banner have 7v7 coz it role isn't only to do dmg this skill counter rogues combo stealth + elusive jump and this balance arenas. Stop complain about op banner coz 1st char to nerf is rogue and fcking 10000000+ crits

    and what about shmans ??

  8. k rogue is melee and need gap closer to jump to enemy but is it normal when  i play vs 2 rogues with my healer on arena i die on 2 elusive jump skill and arena become 2v1 or 3v2. This skill is ok but dmg is too big. This isn't normal class which have stealth can kill enemy with 1 or 2 skills

  9. you are the one needing to learn, priest new skill at lvl 4/4 will kill anything under skill effect if the target is walking.

    meaning, ur hp is full, it goes to 0 in the end. either ur hp is 10, 100, 1000 or 999999999. you will die in the first use of this skill.  :good:


    if you don't Move this skill will do nothing... :! It depends only on your plays
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