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Posts posted by Affekidz

  1. no it can´t be used on shaman using it... it was said before


    and did you get to try out new necro skill?

    because if you ll be upset... all new skills were shit

    i play rogue too and first new skill was good. and you will be pissed if you have to change your player because devs fail to

    make an expert skill ( EXPERT) if i waste one skill point on expert skill i can´t solo bosses like b3 or anax anymore

    so it actually is useless, only helps when helping others... and i don t do so because i get 20 messages when logging in if i can help heroic or help commander or help here and there and in the end loose my stam

  2. true, necro skills quite useless


    only posion shield is usefull in lab, since it keeps aggro on tank and hits mob back a bit


    but dmg redicoulus,  dont skil any expert any more...wont even try out new one....why would i

    i don´t fight agains 100 rabbits with 1 hp


    we necro need smth like revieve dead ally member, or summon kiled mob smth really speacial


    what is fateful connect when playing alone? what is posion shield at 3k hp mob? all useless shit


    stick to old skills way better

  3. 1) arena tickets: remove them. Make earned

    arena points much lower. This way everyone can

    fight and you will probably have more online

    players i could make arena all day for fun İF it

    was free . there can be though, a vip room ör

    something for higher arena point but it costs to fight there.

    2)amplify: amplifying is really hard. Some people

    make +10 with very less signs but some spends

    hundreds and hundreds and get nothing

    amplify level could be on +100 for example that

    way your signs wouldnt go waste +100would be same as +10now but with the hundreds of

    signs we spend we could atleast get something

    for it (not +100 but maybe +95)

    3)miracle coins: they cost too much yes you

    make discounts all the time but its not really

    enough i think 0,99dollars for 150miracle coin would be nice İF it was regular price

    4)arena: it shouldnt give many guild points +10

    people always spams arena and wins easily.

    Working hard and questing killing powerfull

    bosses should be the main source of guild points

    5) guilds: too much reward for winners and hard to level up

    6)daily roulette: it can give gold miracle

    coin,miracle coin item arena point crimson

    corundum (mostly gold or worthless items)

    7) balance the classes. Many people complains

    about it. Happy player=good game Some classes are really powerfull i never played as one but

    barbarians are not really good. Necros and

    death knights too maybe.

    8) daily bonus when played 2 3 4 5 6 7 days in a row

      Please read this and consider it. Mods i hope

    you can show this to developers or something i

    dont know who is in charge. Somethıngs really need to change. dont be greedy you will earn

    more if you get more people to buy miracle coins

    and not just rich players.


    fully agree. Many of your hints really would bring more  online life into this game.

  4. thanks for info



    but jeah you need to look after yourself, in my guild one heir got scammed--can´t kick because leader off too

    two other ppl as heir don't play too-- dev don´t help....4 slots occupied can´t do anything

    thats warspears support mentality

  5. i am one of the necros who are hard to find for partys going tower, and i don´t help easy or normal anymore ,

    but not because some drop would be too low for me BUT because there is no dop at all.

    i see ppl looking for necros for an hour, and sorry guys i don´t help, i got bad words for doing so too, I know there are only up to 5 necros online in times ppl look for them to go tower and jeah, i don´t help so people get pissed and maybe quit or finally tell their opinion here....

    because the whole reason is up to devs. if they make at least any drops or chance of catalyst for players 21+ i help again, but like this i don´t so something will change. I see many people complaining over this already, and thats whats needed to make this lazy devs do something FOR the PLAYERS not the money



    "This game not like Mmorpg anymore......Its like who rich is win......No more teamwork, strategy, I miss when old time when we use strategy to win war....But now ? u know it berengar tower.... many player not invited lower level.....to get ayvondil we must done heroic....but its good challenge.....Is important for player drop of item boss is 1%"

  6. the devs changed it - maybe because they assumed that by taking drop high lvls won´t help low lvls finishing their quests, which they need so desperately to go ayvondil, that the low levels keep failing and waste or rather BUY staminas elexier because of lack of patience. So Airgrind again makes more money. Remember, this game is not player friendly for long time now.



    Why else would they make heroic necessary to go Ayvondil? ----so everybody spents money on signs or gear. Because actually it makes no sense since tower easy and normal on Ayvondil can be done afk by people who did heroic on bg tower before. Its just so ppl spent more money. At least thats my opinion about their strategy. But i am fine with it. Ayvondil sucks anyways, been there. done tower normal.. decided to keep my lvl 18 gear and push on Irselnort.. finally i can solo b3 already ;) more to loot, less to pay...

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