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Everything posted by Kutjing

  1. That means you have to give me all stams so I can spam dungeons
  2. Oh yeah actually it's not that dark of a story, the adventurer went back to the respawn statue anyway, hehe.
  3. Hey there, it's going to be my first post in the forum, and I always have been curious and challenging myself to create an interesting story to be read about, so can't wait to actually make one for my favourite game :) and so here it is... Speck of Dust As the brave adventurer looking for new adventure to venture about, a rather unfamiliar scene came to his eyes. While he is stepping his feet up on the fiery shores of Nadir, an old man sits quietly under the colourful tents. The old man's intimidating gaze alone is enough to bring the interest of the already curious adventurer, it seems that the grey-haired man offers weird looking stuffs that the adventurer have yet to see. While the adventurer immerses himself with the strange items on the shelf, he's listening to the old man's story of his origins with a thick accent and sorrowing tone. But to his surprise, none of his stories mention the regretful things about the place, it is all about the majestic castles and shrines everywhere where people cheer in the middle of huge fountains telling their stories. Mesmerized by his story, the adventurer decided to visit the place himself as he patiently waiting for the next ship to board. In the middle of raging ocean, the nightmare feeling of being suffocated struck into his night sleep. But as the morning came, the adventurer woke up from his nightmare with the speck of yellowish dust went inside through his compartment window. There, he could see the gorgeous standing castle already on his sight, and the adventurer sheer amounts of adrenaline kicks in. As he exits the harbour, Er-Sahil welcomed him with open arms and its beauty. Drank the most delicious ale of local taverns, feast their exotic looking foods, then learned the culture of the island. But unfortunately, the adventurer forgot to learn the most important thing of the place, which is to survive. Unprepared, he ventured deep towards the outskirts of Er-Sahil and are hours away from the last seen slum settlements, still he did not let his anxious feeling defeats his purpose to discover the riches of the island. Hours after walking down the desert, the similar suffocating feeling that he had in his nightmare began to cover his lungs. As the sunlight bleeds into nightfall, he has fallen to the abyss. No one answers his call for help, and it looks like the end for the adventurer is already near, all of that while he feels something unusual getting closer, and closer. There, he is already surrounded by the laughing group of evil genies and ifrits watching him suffering in the middle of desert. While the wind pushes the speck of dust to close his eyes, he now understands why the old man never tell his story with a smile. THE END :)
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