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Posts posted by VrockS

  1. •Weapon/Armor Introduction.


    •ARMOR idea by Angelo


    -When Player is done quest with reward of armors.the system will be bit same as weapon reward system.


    -But at last in reward selection window all slot with suitable armor according to players hero class will shine.so here player have to choose that what he wants.



    I will add more improvements/Guidelines soon!



    And would love to have your opinions & ideas :)


    Liked your suggestion and added it too.:)

    I liked your suggestion especially becuase with your idea it will make players just not to depend on 'Guidance System' and make some decision themselves.;)



    •Weapon/Armor Introduction.

    - After getting done the quest with weapon reward.in reward window the suitable weapon slot according to the class of hero will start shining.so the player dont miss pick weapon (because when i started playing WS i selected a staff on my ranger as reward ;D )

    -After getting weapons in bag system will tell 'Congratulations for getting your first weapon!'

    -Now again MENU button will shine And then character button will shine and Equipment button.so player will click them turn by turn so atlast he will be in 'Equipment' window.

    -And then a balloon will tell to click on an empty weapon slot and then to click on weapon(that is inside bag).so now player got his weapon equipped.

    -and then system message will come 'Congratulations for equipping your first weapon!'


    ★Same system for armors




    And would love to have your opinions & ideas :)


    Added Weapons and armors introduction ;)

    And thanks for your replies guys! :)

  3. The title of this topic tells almost everything.

    Let me explain a bit.

    Since new and new players are joining Warspear Online we need to add more and more 'In-Game' guidance.Because many player creates Chars then they cant figure out what they have to do so they logs out and 

    never log in back.


    So here is the main idea.

    - When we create new Hero it says in yellow word 'Welcome to the world of Warspear Hero!'

    - And about Chats,They will be disabled until hero is reached level 3 or higher after it chats will be automatically enabled.

    *Reason of disabling chat till lvl3 is sometimes new players gets confused that 'what is this' after seeing chats going up constantly.




    About quest we need some more guidelines that where to get drop needed to complete the quest and which mobs drop it too.


    For Example lets take quest 'Looking for answers'


    In this quest we have to collect 10 'fairy dust'

    Old information is long and confusing

    Heres the new one,

    NPC- Hello warrior! I was wondering why this fairies are

              Mad.Can you help me to get around 10 measures

              Fairy dust please it will help me to get possible

              Reasons of their attacks

    -Then at last upon the rewards it shown how a fairy will look like.there will be a animation of fairy.

    -beside animation of fairy there will be a picture of fairy dust (what player have to collect)

    -And at last there will be names of places where fairies can be found.


    After player clicks Accept button.

    Then menu button at bottom right will start shine and player will probably click it.then map button will start shine.and player will open it too.and there will be areas where fairies can be found will be highlighted by green circles as current system.and a ballon will pop up saying 'You can find faires here'.


    ★Same System will be applied in all quests until Player will cross lvl6


    *For miniboss/boss quest system will say 'You can ask other players for help using private message Or world chat'.


    •Weapon/Armor Introduction.


    - After getting done the quest with weapon reward.in reward window the suitable weapon slot according to the class of hero will start shining.so the player dont miss pick weapon (because when i started playing WS i selected a staff on my ranger as reward ;D )


    •ARMOR idea by Angelo


    -When Player is done quest with reward of armors.the system will be bit same as weapon reward system.


    -But at last in reward selection window all slot with suitable armor according to players hero class will shine.so here player have to choose that what he wants.


    -After getting weapons/armor in bag system will tell 'Congratulations for getting your first weapon/armor!'


    -Now again MENU button will shine And then character button will shine and Equipment button.so player will click them turn by turn so atlast he will be in 'Equipment' window.


    -And then a balloon will tell to click on an empty weapon/armor slot and then to click on weapon(that is inside bag).so now player got his weapon/armor equipped.


    -and then system message will come 'Congratulations for equipping your first weapon/armor!'


    ★Same system for armors


    I will add more improvements/Guidelines soon!



    And would love to have your opinions & ideas :)


  4. If you are a bit old player then you may know.

    There are two different sets

    1] Hunter set which has HP on every equip.

    2]Guardian set which have no HP on some equips but it got some good stats instead


    This two sets are only for Ranger/Rogues.But unfortunately now they cant be found in shops :(

  5. I think Development team wont accept Sign sets as reward because signs give them 50% of profit.even if signs are given with 'receiving' parameter someplayers will spam dungeons for long time and then there will be a big price break in Signs.


    Just my thought ;)

  6. goog idea, ok, and what about phones with buttons, not touch screen?


    Majority players play on touch screen phones so it will be really cool if you add this.

    And for button phones something like 'Press n Hold' Selected button to open chat will be ok?

  7. Agree :)

    And adding some quick messages would be great too!

    For example.

    -'sorry I am busy right now'


    -'demand arena'

    -'Where is relic?'

    And a lot more + players can create their own messages like this too.


    Just my thought ;)

  8. You can try this trick ;D

    Current price of sign per piece is 3k.

    So first of all make 3-4k arena points.then go to arena supplier and buy [Medium Life Potion] until your arena points get ends.After it you will have around 4 sets(40 piece) Pots.Then Sell this pots to any NPC trader he will give you 81 gold for each pot.so 40 × 81 = 3240 gold.


    So now you can buy piece of sign!!!!!

    Here basically what you did is bought a sign with Arena points but just with little long procedure.i know its little expensive trick but it works ;D

    Enjoy! xD

  9. I agree with you cuz i always find that guy fighting in world chat with random players.

    But devs are intelligent thats why they given us a button 'Ignore'.And 'Ignore' is best way to get rid of people like this ;).Simply ignore him always doesn't matter if he keeps making new chars.And everything will be fine :)


    And i hope someday Development team will add 'In-Game Abuse Filters' same as forums......

  10. •You get just little more damage(enchant bonus) then 'Rondel of endless war' when you great charm 'Ashen kris'.

    •And 'Rondel of endless war' is not used to craft rare weapons.But ashen kris is used to make rare weapons. And in my opinion 'Ashen Kris' is not for normal use i think.


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