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Posts posted by VrockS



    P.S-This question stopped this thread i thought.


    I am really sorry i was not able to access forums n ws for last two days so forgot to change it :(



    If you could travel back in time only once, and you can only stay there for 5 minutes before you are forced back to this time, where(when?) would you go and why?

    I will go to time when after 10 minutes i will download warspear and i will take away my phone from my past personality and throw it out of window ;D

    Why? This game is much addictive :rofl:



    Dont worry its easy one.

    Your favourite drink?:)

  2. Quote From Me:Disagree

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    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree

    Quote From Me:Disagree







    Warspear will stop making profit with this :crazy:


  3. EPiR, I think you can see the option "Remove demand", I think you know that the suggestion isn't needed lol :) .

    Canceling demand everytime to check how many tickets left is irritating.

    So i am with this suggestion.

  4. There are 3 words which ruined wars:

    Player Versus Player(well 2 technically)


    People these days are so bent on being #1 that they want to pvp as much as possible and refuse to "gank" which slows wars down immensely. Ppl are so obsessed they pvp in arena now too. Wars these days are angry people who got ganked striking back. If you want wars ditch pvp and gank alot.


  5. i would either use both my gf and friend as bait to distract the creatures and swim away, or not sacrifice any of  them, because if i try to sacrifice just one of them then when i return to civilization i'll be imprisoned (better to stay on a rock than in prison) or the other person will hate me forever, (soo sacrifice both and make up a story or neither) . depending on my mood (if i choose to sacrifice neither) i would rip out all our clothes cut them and make them into a long rope, then cut off one of my toes and use it as bait to catch one of the snakes, which i would use to lure a crocodile, then i would kill it with my bare hands, skin it like a sock and wear its skin. and whiles throwing all its body  into the other direction (distracting the other animals) we all swim to safety.


    Your brain just entered into Survival Mode ;D

    But for this answer you dont have to think like bear grylls :rofl:

    The question itself have an answer in it.

    Its a simple answer - to surive Stop imagining :rofl:


    Do you believe in ghosts?

    I Believe what i see,

    And never seen one so No.



    Some months have 30 days, some months have 31 days, but how many have 28 days?

  6. Now players want to make an option for everything and a yes/no question for everything, guys the game mechanics is like that, so it makes u waste more money and becareful in next times, sorry, but no.


    Good luck!

    Dont you think looting players like this is the reason they quit?


    Yes,because we got Champion Coliseum and we want to complete the level 20 set bonuses.



    What is the thing that hard to find but after you found it,you throw it away instead?

    Ans: My Marksheet :


    Que: Imagine,you're trapped in a swamp with your gf and one of your best friend and sitting on a stone which is in center of huge river full of dangerous crocodiles,most poisonous snakes,Ugly venomous spiders,Dirty slimes.you'll die if you try to swin.


    So how you'll survive?

  8. For me,I love only one sentence from Assassins Creed

    ''Nothing Is True,Everything Is Permitted,,


    Its best sentence if you know what it means :)


    Another one i found good so far

    Remember The Two Best Days Of Your Life

    1st The Day On Which You Was Born.

    2nd The Day When You'll Find Out Why.

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