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Everything posted by Venk

  1. Come give your feedback. Edit 12/21/2023: This poll is closed now. Thanks for the feedback.
  2. Permanent active skill I didnt quite really understood what this meant, has it become skill with constant energy consumption or it has become a passive skill? 55% Is this a typo mistake? I got it but still for a clarity, can anyone give a more clear explanation of this? I expected this skill to have some improvement. Like increase in duration at max levels because 20 sec is not enough at max level. CD of the skill being reduced seems fine but could've been better.
  3. This is an archive for all the youtube livestreams made by Spells and Staves. 2022: 2023:
  4. Venk

    Token of Luck

    Token of luck will be for example like an (elixir with limited duration) which will be available in mythical level dungeons. (Like pirate key for example but on every map's mythical level dungeon) What It Does: When used it will last 6 hours (duration can be changed) and Increase the amount of Gears, Accessories Drop Rate by 2x Time for that person. (with exception of cant be dropped and cant be used on Merman Dg obviously because it provides end game gears). Token of luck will only affect gears, weapons and accessories and not rare drops like costumes and books in Dungeons. Why It Is Needed: With the help of this players who are having hard time dropping items from dg , it will give them some hope. Players can save and stack it and use it along with x2 drop rate weeks to make the most out of it. depending on the devs it can be stacked or cant be stacked with other weekly events which occurs every once is while "x2 drop rate in dungeon", "This week xyz costume is added on dungeon"
  5. Dont know about the other things but I like the idea of being able to craft minions.
  6. Thank you and Congratulations to everyone. This was my first time participating in a contest I'm glad for being part of it, Especially grateful for being able to contribute to the shaman class.
  7. yes it is working now thanks
  8. Not working for me also now am unable to log with even incognito mode on the same browser (brave). Logged in now with another browser (mozilla)
  9. Same here am having this exact login issue from last 3 days, But if i try from incognito it does lets me login.
  10. Venk

    Max Attack Speed Shaman

    Not necessarily, Critical chance is 50% max, I'm sure you know that aswell. I believe in order to deal some good damage with attack speed build one has to focus more on piercing and attack strength parameters because those two plays major role when it comes to dealing damage through auto attack.
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