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Posts posted by Thefaa

  1. Cry about getting ganked? No i sit and talk shit of how weak you are common sense would tell you if I really cared about being "ganked" i would sit there day after day and  constantly bring the druid TO get raped by 5 people lol

  2. Look the lag is ducking ridiculous man, i log on running through the world and bam lag now the mobs around me kill me damaging my items  or  ruining my eye farm which takes 20—30 min to run and hardly ever drops all this work all this time spent waiting for a drop man.... I have respect for what you guys do no doubt its not easy but have the same respect man get your shit together duck its so frustrating to reach eye and die not due to lack of skill but a simple lag and alot of players will agree with me

  3. Pvp=player(s) vs player(s) pve=player(s) vs Environment now lets start with a simple example most of you idiots could understand, who in the history of warspear has soloed eye? Or exe or even the simplest boss in lab herald? Its ok ill wait? Now alot of you complian about other players ganking well the fact of the matter is once you reach island two you are in a mass pvp zone a player can be attacked any where at anytime by the opposing faction. There are three places in warspear that this is not so. Kota zenith and nadir.. Now you see alot of weak players cry when a team or group kills them while questing perfect example would be rokzz in my eyes this player is doing what he is supposed to do in a pvp Zone now please answer when a group of elf go attack a group of mc what do we consider this?  Who are we to designate specific locations topvp such as pvp cave or pvp nadir?  You see a 1v1.fight That is mutual is considered a duel such as players going arena . A fight amongst players in a zone for killing is pvp refer to several MMORPG games wow has dev designated areas old republic has dev designated areas also both games have duel options where a player can request a 1v1 fight in game... So now to all thé weak ass players who cry gank if you dont want pvp just go back to island one

  4. You feeling special? Want a cookie or something?


    depends..... What kinda cookie we talking here? A warm fresh out thé oven cookie or..... Two day old cookie prepared by Americas Prisoners in a.prison Kitchen somewhere
  5. "The land had begun to become shrouded in its usual Perpetual darkness, clouds above conceal what would have been a mesmerizing night beneath the stars. Distant shrieks of wildlife could be heard through the silent night. Thefaa could be found knelt upon her left knee before a freshly manifested.campfire the radiant heat felt upon tender flesh had caused a slight coat of sweat to taint her brow though slightly uncomfortable she pushed the hindrance away aware of the dangers the land around her concealed like that of a rouges weapon. Earlier that evening while observing from the safety of a group of trees thefaa had witnessed a party of mountain clan headed towards the gate to the astral labyrinth, though not unusual there was one from the party that stood out,as a druid herself she felt the presence of immense power as she layed eyes upon this male. His gait.was confidence full of pride and strength as if there was not a worry in the world. These images were soon brushed from her minds eye as her acute hearing had picked up the inaudible sound of a twig breaking beneath heavy boot, she remained motionless not allowing the new visitor to be aware that she knew of their presence but then a powerful voice brought a feeling of dread upon her"foolish woman do you not think I felt the presence of your aura in the trees as you spyed us like a rotten cloak and dagger" a powerful laugh followed these words, without hesitation and with the reflexes of a veteran warrior thefaa sprang to gfleshrasp her staff that had beenbeen proped mere feet away but before she felt the cool steel of her staff upon the exposedexposed flesh of her fingers, she felt an impact upon her body accompanied with a blinding flash of light. She felt different pushed and pulled against her will the use of her abilities disabled what had he done to her?

  6. "My brother and I have done well to control all these fools muhaha.. Ah, It is I the great Oko-Shaar telling my story of complete victory"


    The group of Mountain people finally arrived at brothers lair. Judging by the looks of there facial expressions I could tell fear was growing when they saw brother, except for one of them. His eyes were as yellow as fire, his staff was glowing brightly and his cloths were remarkable thorned. He seems wounded, but strong willed and full of power.

    The group of Mountain people spoke to brother: "We came here upon a request of Beranger, where can we find a creature called 'Oko-Shaar'?"

    Brother answerd: "What business do you have with him?"

    Mountain people:"Beranger commanded us to execute one of his creations, now tell us where he is!"

    Khazh-Maar:"Ah master`s spirit commanded you to execute Brother? Muhahaha! I`m afraid I can let that happen! Minions, attack these filthy Mountain people!"

    Mountain people:"Men, Arm yourself! Murder all of them!"


    I watched the Mountain people fight back to back in Brothers lair. They were doing well, all minions were dead. Brother decided to put a end to it, he flooted toward a warrior wielding 2swords and used his power to blow him into pieces. Truely enjoying to see Brother`s power haha.. The Mountain people looked even more anxious.

    "Why isn`t that shaman showing any slightest sign of fear?" I asked myself.

    The mountain people decided to execute brother. The shamans start calling the spirits to aid them, giving them supreme healing abilities. The barbarian let a giant roar causing several minions to run away. "cowards" I said.

    The mountain people fought Brother, there power was enormous, to great for brother I would say.

    In the end brother`s shape began to glow, "brother, what are you doing?"

    Brother replied: "You`ll see, preare yourself. They came for you"

    I saw brother exploding, "why brother.. WHY!!!"


    I looked upon the entrance to my lair, and I saw him. The shaman, I spoke to him "You came for me didn`t you?"

    He nodded, did he lose his tongue?

    I asked him: "It`s rude to enter someone house and not introducing yourself, tell me who are you?"

    He spoke to me in a calm way: "My name is Maleshaman, My task is to put an end to your mind control and to destroy this 'home' of yours"

    I replied:"If that`s the case then let`s get started, minions ATTACK!"

    My minions ran towards him, and he just stood there looking around him.. what is he going to do?...

    Suddenly I felt a tremendous power coming from him, was he controlling something? ..!"minions, look out! The floor is collapsing!"

    It was to late, an earthquake caused the floor to disapear with my minions.. What am I gonna do!

    The shaman walked slowly towards me. "How in the name of the Spear did he do that?!"


    "Don`t come any closer! I`m warning you!" He simpely ignored my words. "Alright then, you leave me no choice!"

    I casted my dark magic and hit him pretty good, unfortinately it didn`t seem to do much.

    "Damned, He`s really strong" He walks closer to me and his Scepter began glowing heavily, I feel an tremendous power going from his body to his scepter. Before I knew he set off an earthquake, causing the ceiling to collapse right onto me.

    "U...u..ugh... who ever..you are... You`ll never.. kill..me argh...


    He looked down on me and put his hand on my eye, then he laughed and said: "Muhaha, look at you Oko-Shaar, You think you can defeat me in your current state?"

    He`s right.. I couldn`t possibly defeat him. Unless..


    He spoke to me: "You kno my name right? Do you kno where I come from? Well do you? No? let me tell you where this body came from"

    That body came from? What`s he talking about.

    The shaman took of his costume and showed me his face.

    "this body once belonged to someone, untill Master beranger murderd him, he made me from the spirits of 100shamans,rogues and barbarians. I was suppose to be his strongest creation, untill he created you and Khaz-Maar"

    I replied to him:"so your a creation of Beranger aswell? Why do we not kno you then?"

    He replied: "I left Master to join the Mountain clans to fight off elfs, in meanwhile I never heard from master till shortly. You and your brother murderd master in his sleep, therefor judgement is coming. Now close your eye."


    I felt an tremendous power coming again, was this it? am I going to die? no!

    Suddenly I could move my tentacle again and I grabbed the shamans throath.

    I spoke to him "You fool, You killed my brother, and you expect me to die aswell!? Take this you fool!"

    I ate his body to absorb any piece of power he has.

    It was over.. finally I could rest again.

    "Ugh, I feel like having a bad acid.. wait.. My body, it..s.. glowing!?

    No! It can not be!"

    Suddenly I saw a scepter sticking out of my body pointing at my eye. The light was even brighter then the sun! and before I knew I felt like I was blown away... or better said like I was dead.


    Maleshaman:"Coward, trying to choke and to absorb my power. I have no mercy for you, now begone.. EARTHQUAKE!"


    The whole Astral Labyrinth started to tremble and collapse.

    Maleshaman:" My task is completed, I shall return to master"

    The end.


    like i mentioned earlier I was part of a Roleplay community for six years and this is what we did we created storys of fantasy with words I must say this is awesome.. I would love to read more maybe the actual cteation of the shaman by berengar..keep me updated bro
  7. I could careless if people fall in love on this game let them, I mean its none of your business so leave it alone  :blush: . But cyber sex is a thing I don't support at all  :shok: !!!!!


    honestly ive always been curious on warspear cyber.I mean like you can only write so much and so many times before chat block... Like youre about to climax and BAM INFO: you can not post messages to chat for59 min
  8. It`s to much x.x

    Meh, I`m not gonna lie cuz I E-dated many times before.

    Gues I`m just that much of a hunter *shrugs*


    I was part of a roleplay community for like 6 years and just watching the couples and all the drama  was just to much I honestly couldnt imagine what its like  to partake in such activities but who knows loves found in the strangest places. Much respect for enduring the e-dating.now dry your keyboard and put the lotion away:D
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