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Corona virus

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Posts posted by Corona virus

  1. If you type something into chat (this also includes pm starters like #Meltedsnow) and close chat for any reason and reopen chat you are unable to delete that chat. Even if you switch ppl to pm it doesn't work.

  2. A girl was at her Catholic Church and was asked what she wanted to be when she grew up. "A prostitute" she answered gleefully which made the priest gasp, tense up, and nearly fall over. Shortly after he calmed down and said "Ohhh you said prostitute! For a second there I though you said Protestant!"

  3. This story is convoluted as hell. A guy buys an account from a guy who scammed that account and somewhere in this mess something got deleted. Can we get the Law and Order guys over here?

  4. Depends on how much you'll buy and how much bag space ya got. If you're gonna buy tons and tons of coins best thing to do it open up lotta bag spaces, buy (discounted) repairs, and sell later. If you're going to buy a modest amount of mcoins than sell sign sets.

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