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  1. Nick: Usmos Servidor/Server: BR-Tourmaline English \/ The White Knight was a noble warrior, who always fought and helped the weakest, his character was undeniable, he always acted with total honesty and justice, that's why everyone trusted him, he was a justicer that nobody really knew the name, nor his history, they only knew he for what it did, and for its armor. After killing so many thieves and malefactors, doing justice with his own hands, one day the White Knight was caught in an ambush, and this time, there was no way he could win, there were many who wanted to take revenge on him, when his helmet was removed, there was nothing but an ordinary man in that armor, the armor was taken by the thieves, who were then killed one by one by the White Knight, how? It turns out that the White Knight was not just a single hero, but a league of justicers who walked from city to city bringing punishment to the dishonest, corrupt, thieves and evildoers, today it is not known what the league led to, nor where they are, only remains its legacy, its stories, its messages of justice and defense of the weakest, and the armor of the members who died on the mission. The costume consists of: A helmet made of polished silver metal with golden edges and golden wings on the sides A well-polished silver breastplate A golden pelvis / waist protection Two pointed jambs with golden edges Silver gauntlets on forearms and gold on hands Silver boots adorned with gold Silver thigh protection with detailed golden edges A worn cape with a golden chain fastening it to the armor's breastplate Hope you like 🙂 _____________________ PORTUGUÊS \/ O Cavaleiro Branco foi um nobre guerreiro, que sempre lutou e ajudou os mais fracos e debilitados, seu caráter era incontestável, sempre agia com total honestidade e justiça, por isso todos confiavam nele, era um justiceiro que ninguém sabia realmente o nome, nem sua história, só conheciam pelo que ele fazia, e pela sua armadura. Após matar tantos ladrões e malfeitores, fazendo justiça com suas próprias mãos, um dia o Cavaleiro Branco foi pego em uma emboscada, e dessa vez, não teve como ele ganhar, eram muitos os que queriam se vingar dele, quando seu elmo foi removido, não havia nada além de um homem comum dentro daquela armadura, a armadura foi levada pelos ladrões, que depois foram mortos todos um a um pelo Cavaleiro Branco, como? Acontece queo Cavaleiro Branco não era apenas um único herói, e sim uma liga de justiceiros que andava de cidade em cidade trazendo castigo aos desonestos, corruptos, ladrões e malfeitores, hoje não se sabe que fim levou a liga, nem onde estão, só restou seu legado, suas histórias, suas mensagens de justiça e defesa dos mais fracos, e as armaduras dos membros que morreram na missão. O traje é composto por: Um elmo feito de metal prateado polido com bordas douradas e asas douradas dos lados Um peitoral prateado bem polido Uma proteção de pélvis/cintura dourada Duas ombreiras pontudas com bordas douradas Manoplas prateadas nos antebraços e douradas nas mãos Botas prateadas adornadas com ouro Proteção de coxas prateadas com bordas douradas detalhadas Uma capa desgastada com uma corrente dourada prendendo-a no peitoral da armadura Espero que gostem :)
  2. In my opinion, most of the changes are good, but is necessary to nerf the mage's shield (ethereal barrier) that activates in an absurd frequence, when the shield falls, or disappear, one single hit or dmg skill used makes the shield come back. I also think that needs to remove the stun effect from the mage's aura of fire, that gives too much stuns in who is around the mage (even in who has distance atack, mage can jump and stay close) when the mage have stun parameter, because the aura is always hitting fast, or, make the stun parameter work in the necromancer's poison shield, if mage can stun with fire aura, why can't necromancer stun with poisonous shield? #NerfMage #NerfShieldMage
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