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Posts posted by baskentli

  1. He is someone taking the truth side! Also he was a member of Vortex.

    Not like Absalom saying he never had a barb then suddenly he remembers he had one.Obviously he is a liar or a subconscious mentality.

    And why is a low level maybe 10 is ur max stage talking about something which doesn't even matter to you?

    Dont forget ur lvl and stay where it belongs.Ur name was dropped coz u had a history of banning syntoot on the same note,many thought that it "can" be you again,so I was confirming it.Also the signature below that shitlords had "haters gonns hate"


    U must get bann.



    u are just a ♥♥♥♥♥. Stop sharing accs dumb


    Wtf Are you on crack Absalom First of all Never shared his acc info with sjado

    2nd had absalom ever even had a barb?...

    No commen misconception poley even commented on is that is actaully a vortex member who is in ur guild :facepalm:

    his name is solvient now or something like that but it use to be absalon and i know its not him cus hes an epic noob and didnt even know what full lv18 was he called Killing whisper "The doom armor"and didnt know its official name show proof of evidential or even ip Adresses

    You got nothing your just jealous cus u lost ur rouge which soon ur probably gona lose your other 3 characters all shared by a million people

    and get banned only reason devs havent banned you cus ur the leader of a famous rich guild and are a huge money pot to ws next step for them ban one of ur chars to make a load of money when u make a new one simple and if u say u got +10 no mcoins it simple means

    Your a scammer  :facepalm:


  3. woah Hanamitchi got banned for posting on trade chat that he wanted to sell ?

    While Someone who already has sold for real money "Poleyy" ex-kernlabb and ex-mrxquakez isnt banned yet.

    What kind of sense this makes?


    Funny thing to say stupid when a char is banned for no reason.If it was for cross logging then

    This XXdeathxx Cross logins more chars here are few.

    1.Murdererrr lvl20 rogue

    2.Babyjulie lvl20 bd

    3.Bbyjuliet lvl20 necro


    5.Julieett lvl20 shaman

    6.Xxjulietxx lvl20 dk

    7.Xjulietx lvl6 warlock

    8.Probutnoob lvl20 necro



    Well Sir.R0land what do you and your team will do now? Still believe a coward who made up stories to avoid a pvp match? Or Let "Hanamitchi" walk free.

    Or Ban others mentioned here and in 1st Post on basis on same grounds that you banned "Hanamitchi"


    Xxjulietxx, Xjulietx Julieett,  Babyjulie, Bbyjuliet

    The owner of these accs is his wife :facepalm:

  4. idk

    But you noobs didnt know

    "Here listed most common reasons why you could get block from the game."

    Snorlax Said.

    It means that you where blocked by devs without knowing :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

    Why pummy didnt got ban a long time ago then? :facepalm:

    Absalom your a pathetic noob with baskentli


  5. Cant you read right noob?

    It means that if you share accounts theres a chance that the player cant be trusted

    If the player cant be trusted he will not give back your account and sell it to other people

    So thats why its not legal huh?

    But Pummy didnt changed the acc id and password :facepalm:


    if pummy didnt changed the acc id and pass why hanamitchi has been banned:D?
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