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Posts posted by xxdeaathxx

  1. physik only  rest noobs  :) elvanoob(manys pot and revive he always cry for mc help he kill tpain) and deathnoob(he died vs my priest lv 17 ;D ) only ganks so for me both noobs and "pvpshaman is weak fat racist guy"  is my opinion :)



    I challange any of ur char when u want mr dumbass , & i m not a ganker ;)

  2. hi mr roland, i see ur point of view, but we spended & we re spending many money to be on top in this arena season, i think u should read & try to make us happy.



    It's not so fair after all that previous winners got 2 items with damage increase, resil & so on while we get only 1.



    I would suggest 2 rings for the winner (without passive skill) & passive skill for 2 - 5 ranks, i don't know if it's possible but i think tht would make happy many ppl  :give_rose:

  3. 2b9145c16fe1.jpg



    best farmer's  ;D



    ty bro was our first time there & we killed it 2 ppl only  ;D , when u came from nowhere we were surprised & happy & make us remember the old & good times at eye with u my dear friend. :drinks:



    If ever there will be another lab i hope we will be togheter in farm, even we re opposite faction.



    Skynete #1 mage in sapphire & i think also in all game servers  ::)

  4. :diablo: its all coz elf expert skills are Demolishing and ever skill are perfect. Like: bd with shield, run and ham plus Heavy Armor :!, Priest with mana drain, elusive skill that wreck any mc and add run bonus, druid with new expert skill heal about 600+ to all elf with low hp, pala with banner still strong enough to hunt down the necro who loses 100+ HP during heal & shield, mages expert skill (eye) make more dmg and accurate, & ranger are always OP with blessing active  KO  hits... :facepalm: and what else is required to have fun... A druid and 2 bds can kill 5 mcs... :facepalm:



    true story..  :  druid have like a double heal skill.. sux.. they should nerf badly the secret link i guess, making it useless like the newest shaman skill shield, have u ever tryed to face a druid & a bd or a druid & a ranger in 2 vs 2? it s very hard

  5. yea all would like a skill tht makes 400 damage, critting 800 in a 7 x 7 range + decrease enemy def.. all this without amping, actually be op without spending any money.



    If u wanna play like this i suggest u to quit ws & change game, i saw hello kitty game around the android store, should fit with u..



    The skill is still op on my opinion btw, but i guess they won t nerf it more, elf are still stronger than mc.

  6. I m really sorry for what happened sis.. Idk what happened very well & i was offline since in my country was night & i was sleeping, i think would be fair atleast tht u get ur reward since u did ur gp, in future i'll try to invite u just to get it since u deserve it..



    Ty hardweed & lallouss, absalom is good guy also, but impulsive, so he may can say something bad even if he doesn' t really think it.



    I probably can t lead anymore since i got some problems in real life & i m a bit inactive, also i don't like too much being a guild leader.

  7. The only reason people think this skill is OP is because like the majority of MCs at sapphire, they play the game without thinking. Instead of figuring out one way to counter it, they ask gms to nerf the skill  :facepalm: . I played a fair amount of 2V2 and guess what, I NEVER get hit by banner. If you see a paladin on the other team, just bait him to use the banner and move away! People dont even think about doing this simple maneuver because they are so narrow minded and think the game is all about auto attacking one target spaming skill until it dies, specially people who play meelee classes tend to think like that. This is a simple way to counter and ANY CLASS can do it.

    I known the skill is 7X7 area and does 5 hits or more but you will only take all of hits if you stay in the area the entire duration like a noob. So, unless you got rooted by druid or something there is no excuse to take more than 1 hit from banner. Its just like necromancer nightmare, you put 4 skill point on it but it will be the same as level 1 if your team hit the nightmare. If you are smart enough to evade level 4 banner, that's 3 skill points countered in that match.

    Think about it. I play on MC side and always thought paladin were weak. Let then have this one good skill.



    no man.. 2 vs 2 is 1 thing but try to think in 5 vs 5 or in war... elves have lot of stuns (& damage). In 5 vs 5 they can very easy detect rogue stealth & stun atleast one member of opponent party.. then use banner who decrease defence & hit 300 x5, u are dead.. palas are also very hard to kill, can use heavy equip & have big damage & heal.



    Many ppl complain about this, i don t think we re a mass of idiots

  8. Well if you dont mind ill give you my two cents. Paladins were one of the worst classes before the banner i see that the radius is large so if it gets nerfed to b cover smaller radius no problem. But my point is because of the banner skill we can now compete vs rangers and rogues. The banner has added some balance to paladins. Also don't shamans have a similar skill to this?? :(



    Guess who s the only one who voted "disagree" :D..



    ur class is a tank class = should be more useful for farm not for pvp = rangers & rogues should be stronger than u in pvp..



    shaman skill hits only 1 enemy, it has a chance to fail & doesn t increase the damage of the whole party.. so, no it s not like shaman skill.



    But atleast i appreciated that u said that the radius should be decreased

  9. Paladins are not weak even without banner, they got skill that can stun more ppl if used at the right time, big def,hp damage & heal.. it s not a weak class.



    Banner just make em unstoppable, skill 7x7 radius, hit 300+ all ppl & increase damage of all party of +25%.. simply too much, & i m happy that many ppl starts to complain about it, hope devs will fix it.

  10. Op things in warspear online


    - Banner

    - ranger blessing

    - level 4/4 lightning shield

    - druid hidden link skill (the new one)

    - tpain's sonic boom >.> ( 1.6k crit lvl 1/4)


    Yes banner is overpowered but so are a lot of other skills if you haven't noticed, I do wish they need it but; it's warspear online - they do what they want to do or what they think it's best




    Yea bro, 4 / 5 of ur options are from elf side, i just hope tht if many ppl complain devs will understand us & do something about this.. for ur last option i would ask to gms to ban tpain char.. jk :D



    i would ask to increase the skill power of necro also, since it s becoming an useless class & necros are upset & stopping playing.. or maybe add a skill who can head all ppl in party or shield em.. necro should be the greatest support class in game togheter with priest

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