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laffette's Achievements

  1. Tyler u look like a retarded Justin bieber come to flint too then both you little ♥♥♥♥♥es.
  2. U don't even know what my gf look like why don't u and manly go back to given each other hand jobs in the bathroom at wendys
  3. And BTW u have stretch marks under ur arms fattie and atleast I have a job a gf a house and above all a life my whole day don't circulate around a game loser all u got is ur mommy so either stop talking or come see me and honestly inside ur just a lil girl that likes wiener
  4. All my stuff is rockawear and atleast I have a job a gf and my own place what have u got loser besides ur mom and if your done talking shit then come see me but u won't cause ur only a tough guy in game lmao
  5. Manley wow your a bigger loser than I thought I mean come on get off my dick your whole life is a game lmao your just a loser who lives with your mom has no job no girlfriend all you got is talking smack online. And like I said whenever your done talking drop by Flint I'll show u talk shit u Get hit.
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