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Everything posted by [Reu]

  1. Pro english speaking does not make him Pro ranger.... waste all his salary does not make him pro ranger... firstly u are retard brainless ranger :rofl: also even u dnt know how to farm :wacko: :wacko: you noob have you met Eye in your life? its more handsome than you :rofl:
  2. already everybody knows who is pro ;) dont care retard kids bro :friends:
  3. can you say so ? could not defend yourself? :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: LETS VS ... LOSER will delete his main chars .. :diablo:
  4. omg :shok: :shok: :shok: :shok: how Reu can rape you????? its impossible :facepalm: lets explain : 1. Arena Result : owww yea :'( :'( you had f*cking bad connection. 2. Arena Result : omfg yeaa u were solo thts why your partner hit 1 damage ( or i raped him by 1 hit ;) ) 3. Arena Result : owww..... shit ... u dropped phone when u saw me :tease: 4. Arena Result: haha. u peed to your underpants when u saw me :rofl: 5. Arena Result: oh yea charge died :shok: :shok: u had so bad lucky day . SO u lost me :tease: :tease: and the other BIG SS ... what did you feel when u droped and kissed floor by my 1 shot? you kid dont try act pro... dont feel yourself so . u trick only yourself :facepalm: and i didnt want to come to this noob forum again.... just i wanted to support my friend that is Machote.
  5. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: sen ruyandada boss kesiosundur simdi :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: 17 yasina girince pm at demirciden WTB yaptirip gondericem :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  6. hattini baska telefona tak oyle dene belki olabilir.
  7. :shok: :shok: :shok: :shok: :shok: :shok: :shok: :shok: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: ARE U SCHIZO???? :wacko: u cried for a nooby gloves exactly 11 hours :! do u act like schizo till 11 hours?? :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease: if i am wrong then why u were begging for boots to Edgeshadow :spiteful: :spiteful: :spiteful: :spiteful: dont be schizo when u farm :bad: :bad: :bad:
  8. Analyze Lusy Xspiritx Lordbloody Afro Ascetic Marsz Bongxdem Mymelody Sixshadow Lieukaka Chronoz Warlion Rogernrez Patahhati Ultimecia Healerz Saffo Jaw Pliskin Dmarzo Savageking Abbozza Nepz If u wanna make 1v1 with me >> pm Reu :dirol:
  9. butun oylar bana :dirol: :dirol: :dirol: :dirol: :dirol: :dirol: :dirol: :dirol: :dirol: :dirol: :dirol: :dirol: :dirol: :dirol: :dirol: hatta fake acc acip oy atin :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
  10. Firstly WHY AM NOT I IN THIS LIST ????? :diablo: :diablo: :diablo: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: Secondly.... Legionn is an terrible factory error.. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: He cries for item everybody .... and makes story when got item :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: Do u remember eisha ? i reached to echidna and legionn was with me . i got a barb gloves and he cried me for that noob item. i didnt give him. so he change side and became with you :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: that guy wants just item for kill me :tease: :tease: :tease: hahahahhaa :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  11. hahaha lickerrrrr :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :tease: :tease: :tease:
  12. aahhah :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: so good story :D u have to be author :wacko:
  13. haaha :D kid . didnt u hack Strawberry? :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: are u snow-white soul ? firstly clean yourself ... u can only talk here junk ... :crazy: :crazy: also this is WARspear i am making war everywhere..... at scorp at nadir .... dont cry here... bring your friends and fight ... :tease: :tease:
  14. hahaha :D dont cry in here :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: u disturbed us and we disturbed you :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: dont make story such as La Fontaine :D its for 0-6 y.o :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
  15. actually they should make a new server for u . and u are gonna play own "cesspool" . Bcs many Turks players disturb others. :bad: (not all of them ((many)))
  16. haha o essek kafan cozemedi dimi o ihaneti senin bana yaptigini :D :D :D aciyorum sana.... zavallının tekisin :bad:
  17. ezikten baska birsey deilsiniz :D siz cok kasindiniz
  18. [Reu]

    biraz insan olun.

    Sınavlar nedeniyle oyunu biraktim. Simdi tekrar oynuyorum. Bi hirsizlik olayi olmus. Ne olmus ? Gece nickli kisinin bi kac itemini calmislar. nasil ? tradeden vermis item karsiligi itemi alamamis. Peki o kadr kisiyi dolandir dolandır etme bulma dunyasi ya iste bırıde senı dolandırsın sonra aglamaya basla. bi kere sen dolandırıldıgında ben charima giremıordum pm atip hırsız diyip kufur etmene gerk yok. sende digerleri gibi cocuksun. dıyecek bısı yok buyumen lazım. ıstedıgıne sıkayet edebılırsın benı. bı sucum olursa zaten banlarlar. benımle zıt gıdersen sen kaybedersın. mıllete reu dolandırıcı dıyecegıne kendı dolandırdıgın adamların ıtemlerını cartını curtunu geri ver. oyle chakar la gelıpte ben yenı sahıbıyım dıyerek olmuyo bu ısler bu senın oynadıgın metin2 oyunu deıl. senın qıbı bı kac 0-13 cıkıo ıste oyle arada...
  19. send a support ticket.. they can help you
  20. US da 10 mcoin 1k ediyor hala sanırsam ve 8400 mcoin = 840k eder dogal olarak. Remixez in de dedigi gibi surprise chest ler den iyi para kazanabilirsin. ben sign yontemini onermiyorum. Ama 8400 mcoini 840k ya cevirdikten sonra elterasin dedigi yol guzel cunku sign cok satilan itemlerden. bence surprise chest , arena tix , sphere damage II sat ;) (damage II den cok zarar etmezsin).. baska satilacak item yok gibi :D
  21. rent a vps (virtual private server). and connect from your computer to VPS :) and play ;)
  22. it has many way for examples: u died and wanted borrow mcoin. so u have to give email adress or account ID. if hacker got that info, can try some passwords. and some programs help about it these programs for recovery password and legal. but ppl are using it for hack :tease: u know these programs are using dictionary and can find your pw , if u made easy pw. other way: everybody knows it = Trojan / Keylogger antivirus of phones doesnt work good enough. if u wanna make high quality game / web site u should make Secret Question and its answer ;) for support customers.
  23. got hack and share info are different :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: then dont cry when got hack :bad:
  24. for example i am sharing only my warspear account info with my friend. But its not for just sharing. QSA system is gonna be good for protect acc from hackers.
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